Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Pictures of the hive?

I think established members offering stuff for sale is pretty cool honestly. We aren’t big enough that we have to worry about a bunch of grifters/scammers.


Are you in Seattle proper or somewhere south?

of course.


north seattle. greenwood/green lake.

Way far for me for backyard honey.

If we do not challenge critical race theory, young Mississippians will grow up indoctrinated to believe that America’s material achievements have been gained through exploitation,” the Mississippi Center for Public Policy report says. “They will grow up believing that Mississippi’s relative poverty is attributable to a lack of government intervention rather than a consequence of federal programs and a lack of liberty.”

Aww yes, government programs made you poor Mississippi. Otherwise you’d be right up there with the rest of us


Talk about some truths that we hold to be self evident, am I rite folks?


This could be posted in a bunch of different threads, but this documentary on HBO Max is really worth watching.

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report says the state’s lingering poverty exists not because of the legacy of slavery but because of excessive government regulation.

I don’t even understand how you make this argument with a straight face. No regulations up in yankee New Hampshire?

Plus, putting MLK on the report’s cover seems like pretty lazy trolling.

I just saw a news story about a toddler falling through an open manhole cover at a NJ playground.

They said something about excessive pressure blowing off the cover, but this sounds like a bullshit cover story.

Completely unmentioned was the possibility, dare I say certainty, that ILLEGALS ARE INVADING THE COUNTRY THROUGH THE SEWER SYSTEM.

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Just get The Foot Clan to take care of that problem.

It’s a Koch front. All these state policy project guys are like terminators or true believers when it comes to deregulation and lowering taxes and they’ll fuse it with whatever resentment they can.

Moderately interesting story.

Black firefighters were portrayed as white on a mural, not entirely clear why. But check out the actual mural. I can’t even believe this is real:

Even this guy thinks it’s terrible


If I’d known you were allowed to just blow up photos and paste them on a wall, I too would have become a muralist.

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So I have a weird slightly painful lump right next to my nipple? Not large or anything. How worried should I be ?

Will get it checked out soon when I have time. Just wondering how much I should stress and how urgent it needs to be

@CaffeineNeeded ?


It has always baffled me that high achieving urban types spend truly outrageous amounts of money on private schools, tutoring, test prep, coaches, etc., supposedly so the kid can get a leg up, when they would be doing way more for the kid by dumping the cash in VTSAX and calling it a day.

In most but not all cases it’s not about the kid at all, even when the parents sincerely believe it is - they just want something else to compete at so they can measure themselves against others. It’s horribly unhealthy.


That article hit me pretty hard. We don’t send our kids to private schools, but we do pay an assload in property taxes to live in the “good” school district. And we pay an absolutely enormous amount in mental/emotional costs in (what we think is) a legitimate effort to get our kids the best education possible. This has meant uncomfortable discussions with teachers and counselors when we think we’re not getting what the IEP promises, and it’s meant a lot of arguments with the kids trying to help/encourage them with their work.

There’s so much angst and tension that I am constantly asking myself if all of it is worth it, especially when we’ll probably be able to set aside a decent amount of money for them to have as a safety net. I’d like to think we’re making good choices, but man I don’t know.


get it checked out obviously but I wouldn’t run to an ER or anything. You can try getting a paper towel or hand towel wet with hot water and pressing it.