Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide




That’s not per 100,000. Those are absolute numbers. Keep up the good work.

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Fuck Jeff Bezos. That’s all.


What suzzer said but there are so many ridiculous elements to this story: pastor embezzling funds from a charity, burner phones, fake pop stars with $30k/mo living expenses.

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Bezos has the Zuckerberg thing where he looks and acts like a god damn alien. He just gave an interview on CNBC that was legit tough to watch.

I would just assume dude is hardwired into an information system that gives him the answer to any question that could be asked.

A ghost in a shell.

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His quotes were absolute gibberish, kept going on and on about saving the world for our kids and grandkids like some kind of malfunctioning Mr. Clean robot.

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LOL at Flesh Gordon trending on Twitter because of Bezos.

I was once on a trip with some others to London, Ontario. We had gotten a suite to accommodate our large group. Having done the bulk of the driving, I was tired and chose to lay down on the couch. At some point, I was conscious enough to hear the sound emanating from the TV. With my eyes still closed, I all of a sudden ask, “Is that Flesh Gordon?” Now, bear in mind, that as a trivia maven, I was skilled at recognizing shows I hadn’t watched or books I hadn’t read. I had never seen Flesh Gordon. Nor had my compatriots, but they didn’t recognize the film they were watching. Only I did, and that was while being half-asleep and having heard only a few seconds of dialogue.

I ended up waking up entirely and watching the rest of the movie, stop-motion penisauruses and all.

It’s inspiring that decades of research into space exploration is being used so that incomprehensibly rich assholes can blast themselves off into space for four minutes.


Also pretty on brand to have an 18 year old passenger whose dad, a private equity ghoul, paid $28,000,000, on board.

Also here is some light reading as you ponder just how big of a piece of shit this guy is.

At least Jack Ma is using his billions to make Tai Chi mini movies where he fights Donnie Yen. That rules school, and we can all enjoy watching them.

By my calculation, Bezos net worth has to increase to $82 trillion to reach the moon. That’s 82 times US GDP in 1969. Brb, gotta go buy some shit on Amazon.

is he? I thought Xi disappeared him.

Leon Black has been mentioned here and there on UP, like here:

And he popped into this great piece of writing from Matt Levine:

Leon Black, the former head of Apollo Global Management Inc., allegedly had an extramarital affair with a woman 30 years younger than him, paid her millions of dollars during their sexual relationship, secretly recorded their conversations, and spent millions more dollars to conceal the affair from the directors and clients of his firm. When I say “allegedly” I mean that’s what he alleges; that’s his defense of his actions.

Also, having affairs/abusive relationships seems really expensive!

In any case they seem to agree that, after their affair ended, they had lunch at the Four Seasons in 2015 and signed a contract providing that Black would pay her $100,000 a month for 15 years.


This is NYC today, obscured by smoke from all the fires out west.


I knew there was a reason I don’t meditate. Crazy stuff.

Britton explained to me that it’s likely that my meditation practice, specifically the constant attention directed toward the sensations of the body, may have increased the activation and size of a part of the brain called the insula cortex.

“Activation of the insula cortex is related to systemic arousal,” she said. “If you keep amping up your body awareness, there is a point where it becomes too much and the body tries to limit excessive arousal by shutting down the limbic system. That’s why you have an oscillation between intense fear and dissociation.”

She suggested I try a trauma therapy called Somatic Experiencing and invited me to her support group for meditators who have experienced acute distress. Their stories were validating yet heartbreaking: a steady stream of individuals using meditation in a search for relief from suffering and instead finding greater anguish.

While some were veterans of numerous meditation retreats, others simply dabbled with a meditation application. One woman, a clinical mental health worker, ended up in a psychiatric facility after her doctor recommended she participate in a 10-day meditation retreat. Numerous participants developed problems after using Sam Harris’s popular Waking Up app.

So much for Sam being a meditation guru.

Guy can’t hack it against Andy.

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Huuuuge grain of salt on “meditation can either make you too in touch with your emotions, or not enough!” I’ll buy that meditation isn’t for everybody, and I don’t doubt that it’s possible for it to be harmful I guess. But there are a shitload of real studies that have shown the benefits of meditation.


If you read the whole article he talks about that. He just doesn’t think the downsides are made clear enough. I was surprised to find out there’s a physiological basis for it.

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