Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

No way I’m going before 1954. First modern solar cell.

But if you make it to 20 you even get to vote!


A friend publishes a regional bike magazine. He met with the SLC Mayor to discuss issues. The discussion consisted of her telling him he needed to “control his cyclists”. You ride, you’re on your own. (Tbf, that was the previous Mayor.)

not to mention if you were born in 1900, you get to experience both the 1918 AND the 1957 flu pandemic.


Yes, let’s be born while there are nearly no vaccines and medicine is still basically in the Dark Ages, AND if we survive childhood, let’s go fight underage in a huge war just to put the cherry on top.

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Also, child labor and the Great Depression sandwiched in between

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You gotta pm me. These are underground and invite only. But they’re generally and an hour and a half away from la.

And they’re so much more than drug parties. Nicest and most interesting people you’ll ever meet. Plenty of people there 50+ so age isn’t an issue. Amazing music. You can camp with me and meet all the best people


Those disclosures can also prompt additional questions about the sources of money candidates use to self-fund.

  • Another North Carolina House candidate, Bo Hines, has lent his campaign $275,000. Unlike Smith and Lamon, Hines has submitted a personal financial disclosure filing in late June.
  • That filing lists just one asset, a blind trust of “undetermined” value, and annual income of between $124,000 and $224,000, making it unclear where Hines, a recent college graduate, got the money to lend to his congressional bid.
  • His campaign also did not respond to inquiries from Axios.

What a life man. Recently graduated college, making six figures while having no job, and just having money appear out of no where to fund your campaign



I love how we’re blaming the pandemic on this, as if kids sitting around watching too much TV isn’t a thing that happens during normal times.


'Bout time we educated 'em.

Regarding WWI: not everything is about personal comfort. Some of us would have relished the opportunity to put our lives on the line to fight for justice on behalf of the Allied and/or Central Powers. And when you did make it through, you were right there to enjoy the Roaring 20s and Great Depression.

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The hacks are coming from inside the house!


Exactly zero people responsible will go to jail or pay a single cent.

Only way this could possibly be more American is if it had guns:


Damn so she fucked their pastor and therapist, then he took a leave of absence to get his shit together, and she’s suing him for that?

Need to get John Dillermand there next

Or at least Masha and the Bear


It looks like the pastor was their “marriage counselor” early on - whatever that means. I doubt he’s a licensed therapist.

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Pastor Yawn’s “What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him” and “Things That Go Bump in the Church.”

You couldn’t make this up.

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