Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Still waiting for my 2019 return to be processed but I got my refund for 2020 (the $600 stimulus check I never got because they hadn’t processed my 2019 return) a few weeks ago

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I’m resigning from my job tomorrow. First time I’ve quit a job in my entire life! Feels so weird.


Been catching up on this thread for last couple weeks.

More drug stories please,

@StimAbuser where do I need to go in cali to get in on these outdoor drug parties?

@clovis8, I drink close to exclusively Mello Yello but also grew up drinking lots of coke, coke and Diet Coke difference is easy to pick up on, and Dr Pepper tastes like shit imo so that would be super ez

This is probably best thread on UP imo

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Congrats, any particular reason?


Got head hunted to new job.


Ran across this ridiculous tweet today

If we’re talking Americans, I don’t see how the correct answer isn’t squarely in the boomer range. I’d need to think a bit to narrow it down further.

I disagree with wanting to be a boomer pretty strongly, but it’s a matter of opinion obviously. Future is likely to be better imo, even if it sucks.

The idea that you’d want to fight in WW1 though, which might be the worst war to be a soldier in of all time, is preposterous to me. Fuck that.


I guess if it had to be a point in the past, I’d pick this morning. As far history is concerned, I’ve seen enough of that movie.


Born yesterday? You wish.

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lol at the idea of fighting in two of the worst conflicts, not dying, then living out twilight years in convenience. it’s far more likely you are dead, or if not dead, then you are coping with undiagnosed ptsd and drinking yourself to death while beating your kids.


I want to see how things turn out. Like cold fusion isn’t happening in my lifetime at this rate. Otoh if the Suns come back to win the title, I’m good.

oh for sure. it’s way fucking overrated to be caught up in some terrible historic world event.


Better in some ways. Much worse in others.

I go with boomer mainly because it’s low variance. We more or less know how it turns out for them. Post boomer certainly could be better, but could be worse. I like the sure thing. I’ll sacrifice some EV for variance reduction.

I think what happened is that it was picking up my birthday from the photo of my passport (getting that in was a whole nother level of fuckedupitude) due to glare or whatever. I had to back all the way out and take another picture of it, at which point it read it correctly.

in unrelated shitbag technology news, if you ever try to add someone to your 1password family account, make sure they do their initial setup on their computer first THEN their phone, it will be like 1000x easier for them than doing it the other way around.

Commenter has clearly never seen the archival footage from WW1.

I’ll need to work backwards to answer his tweet, I have a couple quick questions

  1. How old is Casey Neistat?
  2. Assuming adequate intelligence and opportunity and so forth, how long would you say it takes to get from being born to being able to provide abortion services to someone?

It’d be okay to be born in 1900 if you’re a woman. All those perks but you don’t need to fight in any wars.

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tough sell in a period with no real birth control or modern medicine.