Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

pretty sure this was posted, but not really discussed. sorry if this is callous, but this is the case of leopards-eating-faces. like the bombshell plotline at fox news, i am sure reasonable people are shocked by not surprised by the fact that there was rampant misogyny and harassment at a network that … checks notes … protects misogyny and harassers on the air.

we all thought they went whitewater/benghazi/pizzagate over the span of 3 decades on the clintons because of political convenience OR projection, but in reality they did it because of political convenience AND projection.

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lol no

Do a search for my LOL hand of the week series in the poker hands thread

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Multiple tourneys every weekend with 10k+ ppl.
Multiple zoom pools with 100+.

Like 5% of each are serious, winning players. The rest are mostly recs!

The average 1/2 live player isn’t any better than a decade ago. It’s the same until you get to half decent stakes online.

People forget that in like 2009 70% of players were shortstacks playing multiple tables with 20bb.

So much this.

Used to really love playing in my 20s and early 30s (online, casino, home game whatever). But at some point, my interest in the game completely went away. If I were to play again, I’d be a total fish.

I’m pretty sure the ad supported +EV online gambling already exists, but it’s mostly in the form of “watch this ad to get this scratch off ticket”



Wow, $125 million. Maybe they’ll think twice before doing it again…hahahaha lololololol federal law caps the actual damages at $300,000 gg.

The fact pattern is pretty disgusting.


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Look it’s tort reform!

This is just a rant, so feel free to ignore.

Right now I have a 4-year-old and a 3-month-old. The sky is full of so much smoke that it’s not safe for them to go outside. Buildings are full of so many anti-vax morons that it’s not particularly safe to go inside. My kids have barely had time to experience the world, and it’s already being destroyed for them by political disinformation, selfishness, and power-addicted billionaire/politician overlords.

Fuck. TLDR version below:



Went to Cattleman’s and worked out well. Had a nice t-bone meal with a 22oz private label beer and split a $32 bottle of bordeaux with friend. Was definitely a lot of grub and grog for like $120 for two. Had a 20 min wait on a Tues at 8pm. Friend got deep fried okra side, new for me.

Went out in downtown after and saw an A+ cover band (“OKC All Stars”) of 55-70 y/o guys and a 60ish gal just shredding to a tues night near empty bar (Fuel). Hendrix, Stones, Van Halen, Skynard, just jamming madly, also Radiohead Creep. Also saw live music at JJs Alley (solid solo county singer songwriter with like 15 people watching).

In all we were pretty impressed with OKC. Lotta nice land, not many people (same with SW Missouri). City itself seems cool-ish. Stayed at Museum Hotel downtown.

Most of our meals were busts because of our schedule. Rolled into Albuquerque at 10pm on a Monday and all food places were closed. Went to a cool microbrewery that closed at 11:30ish. Literally had to order midnight Dominos to hotel room.

Tues was Albuquerque to OKC. Our Amarillo gas stop was attached to a bbq restaurant. Solid babyback ribs and roast turkey.

Wed was OKC to Terra Haute, IN. Rolled in at 11pm so just hit IHOP.

Drove 11 hr Wed cause needed to be in northville MI by 3pm Thurs for the unload (down to a basement, so not at all trivial). We also lost an hour a day due to time zones, and the uhaul had 75 mph governor.

Expected a fancy dinner in Michigan but unload and shower took 3.5 hours, and dinner crew included a wife, kid, and mother in law. So we went to a family Mexican place for fajitas and 2 margs and a big beer, was fine.

Big surprise in northville was a local winery/bottler on the edge of fancy suburban area ($1-2M homes) with microbrews and a very good greatful dead cover band in nice outdoor setting. Friend and i went there solo after dinner. Was a highlight and fairly inexplicable.

Had to get up at 6am for flight back and friend and wife were headed to Bahamas at about the time. Trip was solid but would have preferred two more days, but that wasn’t an option.

Oh, also did a 2 hour detour to get an hour at the Grand Canyon on second day after night drive from CA to Kingman, Az, which was worth it.

Entertainment for the trip was mostly Stephen Ambrose book about the Lewis and Clark expedition.


We are surrounded by wildfires :(.

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Oh shit. Stay safe amigo

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trying to create an “” account with the IRS to opt out of the advance child tax credit payments, I’m in a kafkaesque nightmare as they’ve just decided what my birthday is (I didn’t input it during account creation) and they’re wrong by two days, there is no way to edit or correct this, so of course my “identity cannot be verified” and there is no way to contact anyone to help

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Good luck dude.

I’m an army brat who lost my ss card and my certificate of birth abroad (Germany) and had to send $50 to the US govt and cross my fingers.

7 months later I got it.

Have you tried contacting the SSA?

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Do you not have kids or make to much or something?

I’m still waiting for the IRS to process an electronic amended return that they acknowledged receiving in March.

Two older, amended returns that I was forced to submit by mail in March haven’t even appeared yet as received.

Man you have no idea how frustrating it can be to have to file American taxes from abroad.

One of my colleagues spent 20+ years not filing American tax forms and nothing ever happened to him about it. Recently he started and he got covid money despite not living there.

I guess I never bothered to either because I didn’t make enough to be compelled to do it (used to be true) or I’m just spending money to tell the government that I don’t owe them anything (the case now).

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Many of us who were (are?) entitled to additional grant money from the EIDL loan program were denied because the IRS still hasn’t processed returns from a year ago. It’s a shitshow from top to bottom.

Unless of course you’re a poor parent who’s claiming the EITC. Then they give you a 3rd degree audit every year.

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