The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I dunno, I feel like you’re letting yourself get bent out of shape here.

So my ‘no-child policy’ is falling on deaf ears huh?

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Why add the regressive component at all?

Having to document mileage is a new thing…that sucks…and costs money.

National vehicle registration tax? Where people pay in proportion to the cost of their car? That’s a lot more reasonable and easier to implement.

But again, why the VMT on passenger cars? (Because it’s a subsidy of business…imo)

And when Trucks go electric you up their mileage fee and sales tax on trucks and the other freight taxes.


How about a 1% national internet sales tax on top of what states charge, earmarked for roads and other infrastructure? Figure out what you want to exempt so that the tax doesn’t feel regressive.

Does Jeff Bezos own a car? If so, tax him a billion dollars. I call it the “tax Jeff Bezos a billion dollars for each car he owns… tax”. It is transportation related.


How about “obvious child molester” tax. Leon Black, that will be $5 billion.


I’m sensing a lot of cabinet positions in this forum’s future.



you shut your filthy mouth


The revenue from freight by truck in the US is $791B/year. The Highway Trust Fund is $43B/year. Let them pay for the highways, they are the ones breaking them. Let Jane Q. Public get the free ride. She isn’t doing any harm.


Honestly they should just give a 181 billion dollar stimulus check to everybody. How’s that runneth over cup now Jeffrey?

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And, if we like having roads, like we like having schools and parks and health care, they don’t need to be funded by the users. We allow capitalists to horde. We allow corporations to be people. We allow people to evade their responsibility/liability when then invest in corporations. We literally hold that people are not liable for the shit that results from the companies they own. This makes a lot of people rich. The people are getting rich because we make these rules for them. The whole idea of corporations is shielding owners from responsibility. We’re absolute suckers if we don’t get roads and schools and health care and parks and whatever we can out of the deal.


Solid point is I hadn’t been called too Canadian and too rich again for the 100th time and there weren’t the 100 other completely disingenuous posts in this “discussion”.

I’m completely fucking done with engaging in one sided good faith debate in front of an onslaught of xenophobia and bad faith.

If we want to burn UP to the fucking ground I am good to play too. Light the matches.

I’m literally standing outside the hospital right now staring through a window unable to visit my mom. I am totally up some destruction.

Nobody seems to like UP anymore so let’s burn it down

I have no doubt that if you try to extract money from the sale of goods and their shipment by truck, no matter how you do it, they will be trying to squeeze as much of it as they can out of truck drivers. That’s kind of a broader problem though. The result should be that freight is more expensive and people who buy so much shit should pay for it. People should consume less. And Bezos should make less money because of those things.

We’re all your friends here. And my “too rich” joke was meant to be absurd and silly.


Need to buy some insulin in Mexico and bring it over in a hollow pallet.


The highway fund is $43B. The $791B was the cost of just the shipping. The value of what’s shipped each year has to be several trillion. It’s a tiny drop in the bucket for trucking to pay for highways. And I have no idea how to get people to stop shopping online as a hobby. And people talk about Bezos…really it’s Amazon that needs to be taxed and quit having their shipping subsidized. Bezos too, for sure, but Amazon.

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You’re focusing on the worst stuff here.

I think there’s a lot of good faith debate here.

Best wishes to you and your mom.


Reminds me I just found out a couple of weeks ago a guy I went to high school with just died on one of these:


53 year old man… like wth

Yikes. Hit by a car? Fell and hit his head?