The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

At least up here where we get freezing temperatures, a large portion of wear on roads is due to weather.

How did we just pay for the stimulus? That’s also how we will pay for the transportation upgrades… “How ya gonna pay for it???” was a shitlib talking point Pete just made up, not an actual thing you have to account for in public policy. Even Grandpa Joe gets that now…

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Cold like Wisconsin?

Wisconsin’s mix of cold winters and hot summers stresses highways, but nothing damages roads more than heavy trucks.

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I mean, you could easily read the link micro provided, and what I said in my post: that DOT is looking at completely overhauling the HTF so that it doesn’t have to rob the general fund every year, and that they are looking at several different ways to do that.

By all means, point me to the magic tax the wealthy wand, and I’ll gladly wave it. I’m not saying NOT to do that!

All I’m saying that the 3-steps to profit meme includes some ??? that need to be addressed. I guess actual navigation of legislative and legal issues is stupid and something that doesn’t need to be worried about because after we tax the wealthy it will all magically go away!

There’s just absolutely zero willingness from anyone with half a clue, rightfully, to pay more or sacrifice in any way until the US tax code is fixed. This absolute bullshit system where Donald Trump pays $750 while hanging a “I’m committing tax fraud” sign in front of Trump Tower, that allows Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to pay exactly $0 on their combined $400 billion fortunes, must be addressed before a single normal person is ever expected to pay more. Spare me the WELL AKSHULLY bullshit.


The legislative issue is Dems in congress don’t want to increase taxes on their donors. Well fuck them, it’s one of the reason I won’t vote for a D again. The legal one is for the USSC to figure out. The last wealth tax case was in the 1890s. Put it on Roberts and Gorsuch to tell America we can’t tax wealth.

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Taxing the wealthy is not in DOT’s milieu. Tax the wealthy, yes! fine! That still doesn’t solve the issue that the HTF is underfunded and has to borrow from the general fund every year.

Why are you implying that I disagree with this?

You can’t just say “tax the wealthy” to solve DOT’s problem with the Highway Trust Fund, because DOT has nothing to do with income tax code. Figure out a way to tax the wealthy via a transportation-related method so that the money goes into the HTF, then all this will be relevant.

I mean, i guess you can say it…but nothing will come of it without concrete, transportation-related suggestions.

Not to mention shit like this. Just have the government manufacture insulin and sell it at cost. It’s totally fucking indefensible.


Do you think congress can’t pass a law that says 1% wealth tax over whatever million dollars goes to the trust fund? It does not have to be transportation related.

Edit: I can say it, I am saying it, congress wrote the law that created the trust fund. They can change how it is funded. It is not some immutable law of nature that the revenue stream must come from a transportation related tax. Nothing will come from it because the Dems in congress are either incompetent or in on the scam.

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Nobody has any interest in a nuanced discussion of policy sky. You are wasting your time. There is only interest in slogans and shouting bumper sticker policy.

Other than Johnny.


The whole problem (or at least most of it) as I understand it is the patent protection. To enact your plan they would have to violate those patents. Far simpler would be to just lift the protection and let anyone make it. Same result and government doesn’t even have to build any plants.

I don’t care what bullshit mechanism is in place to allow this shit. The government can fix it tomorrow, they just choose not to. People who need it are rightfully outraged and have had enough of the “well what you don’t understand is” bullshit. The whole system is rigged and everybody paying attention knows it.


As if we are going to fix the cost of insulin when bezos is not getting taxed enough. Lol shitlibs. Try focusing on what matters.

The problem with insulin is not that there is not enough money to buy it. It is because the cost is artificially inflated thanks largely to even more ridiculous patent protection than most other drugs. This problem can be fixed at a cost of zero dollars.

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Your sarcasm meter needs recalibration.

Could be, I’ve mostly avoided the whole shitlib/shitprog discussion.


Why is VMT on passenger cars better than raising taxes on freight trucks and diesel? I know you read at least some of my posts.


Why is VMT better than gas tax? Dunno if you have me blocked or noticed the excerpt I qouted from the study you posted.

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Sorry we are only allowed to talk about Bezos’ tax rate.

Why not both? I never said one was better than the other. I said VMT was one of many different options that could possibly be combined with other methods, to fund the HTF.

What happens when freight trucks go electric?