Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I suppose he could strangle you with the mic cord. Or stab you with his glasses like in the Godfather. Or scratch you with a poisoned lapel pin. Paranoid fascists can’t be too careful.

Investigators believe golf pro Gene Siller – one of three men found fatally shot on an Atlanta-area golf course Saturday – was killed “because he witnessed an active crime taking place,” police said Tuesday.

Police didn’t specify what that crime was, but have said that the two other men were found dead in the bed of a pickup truck on a green near where Siller was shot.

“It does not appear he (Siller) was targeted,” but instead was killed because he “happened upon a crime in progress involving the unknown suspect and the two deceased males,” the Cobb County Police Department said in a news release.

Like… duh? Breaking news the killer didn’t actually plan to lure the golf pro out to the 10th green by crashing a car full of dead bodies into a sand trap.

Also hard to say what crime was actually happening there. Who knows! This is America and if you want to drive someone else’s car with their dead body in the trunk that’s your right. Maybe the guy shot himself in the bed of his truck and his suicide note said whoever finds my body gets a free car.

Maybe I should have tried harder to follow this career path:

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It’s Trump. Almost as big as Taft, and is Trump.

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When Oprah Giveaways Go Wrong

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melania.gif. you are right, but i’m not liking your post

In a big local news story, a William “Bill” O’Reilly was arrested for murder.

Officials with the Sandy Police Department confirmed Monday that William O’Reilly, of South Jordan was arrested on suspicion of first-degree aggravated murder, first-degree desecration of a corpse and second-degree obstruction of justice, KUTV reported.

He must have ran out of ideas for his book series


Looks like he fucked the corpse too.

Bill’s a sick man.

This one is a mystery.

His neighbor only knew him as Bill. He never talked about his past or family.

Eta Coincidentally, the victim in this case had gone to Costco and her abandoned car was found there.

14 posts were split to a new topic: Haiti’s President Assassinated

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Educated women won’t date Trump supporters. Could this be… authoritarianism? National Review is on the case.


Painfully accurate.


That looks exactly like the last workspace outside my home I ever had… except it was an even more open floor plan.

Two monitors!?!?! Ha! Luxury! When I was an analyst we didn’t get ANY monitors!!

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Assassination gets its own thread.

That’s probably in the top 15% of work spaces. Dual monitors, reasonably high partitions!

Looks almost exactly like my current office, except mine doesn’t have me with my back to the entrance, which I can’t stand.