Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I just got to the part in the Pat Tillman book about rescuing Jessica Lynch - which apparently Tillman’s platoon was standing by for in case things got messy.

I had no idea that the convoy she was in accidentally wandered in to a heavily armed Iraqi stronghold, and that all of Lynch’s injuries were from the humvee she was in crashing in to one of her own vehicles.

At least according to Jon Krakauer - they literally drove all the way through Nasiriyah, home of a ton of the Elite Guard, which the heavily fortified Iraqis had been anticipating a huge battle, then realized their error and turned around and drove back the way they came. At one point armed Iraqi guards manning a checkpoint waved and smiled that them. Only when they had turned around did the stunned Iraqi troops start firing on them.

The original story was that they were ambushed, and she emptied her gun firing at Iraqis before being captured. Of course that story was only selectively leaked to the media and not official, so they could have plausible deniability later.

Somehow I doubt this is covered in Bill O’Reilly’s book.

I don’t think bed sharing was that rare in the 17-19th centuries. Lincoln used to ride circuit for the court, which traveled to different counties. I think most of the lawyers shared beds.

And it’s not like Lincoln was never criticized, ridiculed, or made the subject of malicious rumors.

It was quite common. Practice started fading around the late Victorian Era.

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I actually remember reading about this in a bio of Lincoln and the author seemed to think it wasn’t super weird for two dudes to share a bed for a while back in those days. It’s like in Moby Dick, dudes just shared a bed out of necessity sometimes.

I’m not sure Lincoln was gay, but the sharing bed things was more than just a once in a while thing when he was traveling. He shared a bed with a roommate for the better part of 4 years, and there are rumors that a specific soldier would spend the night in his bed when Mary Todd was out of town.

Also, I like this sweetsummerchild-esque quote:

"Larry Kramer, the author and AIDS activist, said that Mr. Tripp’s book “will change history.”

“It’s a revolutionary book because the most important president in the history of the United States was gay,” he said. “Now maybe they’ll leave us alone, all those people in the party he founded.”"

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The Republican Party was both the savior of the blacks and the gays. So we can’t be racist or homophobic.

—Donald Trump sometime in the near future.

I mean Lincoln would be bi, right? He had 4 children.

Some gay men have kids.

I’ve shared plenty of motel room beds with dudes when we were 4 to a room. Wouldn’t do it now though.

I thought this response was interesting.

I wouldn’t generally share a bed with another guy, but if I had the opportunity to share a bed with Lincoln I would have to take it. Hard to say exactly where I would draw the line at with presidential bedmates though - might be a good thread idea.

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There’s ancient Greece too, when a man’s reward from a “senator” might be the services of a young man.

Has no one seen Planes Trains and Automobiles?

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Taft is obviously the nut low worst to share a bed with, right?

Don’t fly over and don’t stay anywhere driving distance.


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Assuming no sex, then either Taft or Trump.

Trump strikes me as the type to still have night terrors.

Putin is supporting the attempted assassination claim.

Russian President Vladimir Putin backed Lukashenko’s claim of a coup plot, complaining in his annual state of the union address “that even such flagrant actions have not been condemned by the so-called collective West. Nobody seemed to notice. Everyone pretends nothing is happening.”

The would-be assassin:

That’s exactly why he’d be such a great assassin. Who expects that guy to be one?

Looks more likely to lose his erection while banging a callgirl than be a killer.