Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Mine are all less than 0.1%

Switching to bonds as I get older seems to be the rule of thumb that I keep getting.

I’ve only been invested for a bit over two years. I got time.

EDIT: One is at 0.11%. My bad.

Then you’re good. You’re basically optimal. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a tiny sliver of culpability in the downfall of humanity as capitalism’s need for unending exponential growth overtakes our need for a habitable planet.

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It’s so brutal, right? You totally know that there are climate change activitsts shitting on Dow Chemical only for them to check one of their index funds and go, “Oh shit. Maybe I should go easier on them?”

corner seat pai gow

Couldn’t find a tournament record for this guy. Wonder what the motive was.

I think he was probably just a club pro there.

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This story is so bizzare. How does a guy kill a guy that they can’t identify and also kill another guy and steal his truck and then somehow crash it on a golf course then decide to kill the guy who went to investigate and then somehow escape on foot and they don’t know who he is. I suppose the cops might be a little busy trying to find him to explain all the details right now but once they come out it’s gonna be even weirder I’m sure.

I’m looking for the thread about erections lasting more than four hours.

Once you’ve got your low cost index funds set up I would focus your energy at that point in understanding how all your assets will be taxed in retirement. Let’s discuss in the investing thread if you’re interested…



A night in the Oscar app:

I found your problem

Not the cmH20?

Jerry and I were roommates in KC for a year. I kept up with him pretty well but hadn’t chatted in a while. I now know two people killed by stray bullets in the last couple years. Hooray guns.


Sorry suzzer. JFC.

I read earlier that there were several mass shootings over the weekend and 150 total dead from all the shootings in the country.

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Also, in a professional environment.

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U.S. Quietly Slips Out Of Afghanistan In Dead Of Night

US left Afghan airfield at night, didn’t tell new commander

One of those headlines is real from the Associated Press published today, the other is an onion headline from 10 years ago.


I guessed wrong. How is that real.