Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

And your own printer!

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Or is it some kind of weird scanner?

Also a nice suitcase-sized PC to keep your feet warm.

I’m telling you.

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Cool now apply that to systemic racism, affirmative action, and CRT.

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Of course those words are little more than dogwhistles these days. The age disparity is consistent with political alignment.

65+ crowd thanking God for the bulwark of capitalism keeping their social security and medicare safe from socialism.



The replies are crazy. People are so bad at math/money/logic/common sense.

That’s some bullshit right there.

Either she’s a total moron who bought that shit or she’s lying because reasons

LOL at working a job for ‘benefits’ when you make ~6MM a year. Triple lol at thinking you could have time to work a job when you make 6MM a year doing literally anything active. The feasibility skills of normies never cease to blow my mind.

Even drug dealers need health care.

If you make 6MM a year dealing drugs you have money laundering problems. You get your healthcare from your money laundry LDO.

Also you definitely aren’t working a real job dealing enough drugs to clear 6MM a year. It’s a job with if anything worse hours than poker at that level.

lol man I randomly stumbled upon Rich Muny’s (the PPA!) twitter and I honestly think he hates Mike DeWine more than any of us hate any politician. Just scroll down.

Trolling people who use the hastag #AshliBabbitt seems like a great use of Twitter.

Do you say…
  • LAW-yer
  • LOY-yer

0 voters



I agree that this is pretty fundamental. Much of what we see in politics and culture is older/more entrenched people dealing with this.

You wanted instant global access to all information. Well, here you go. I don’t think the broader consequences have been processed in any significant way. Like, what’s the effect of people from 80 nations randomonly shooting the shit (often in english) nightly on twitch while watching streamers. We really have no idea, but it’s probably good.


What the fuck Gen-X? Getting more religious over time? Converging on Boomers?


There are some bad seeds in the gen x cultural milieu.

Welcome to the wonderful new world of meme - staging. As someone on twitter pointed out though, the stick should probably be on the other side of the fork.

Wait most memes already are pictures. Ah well nevertheless.