Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

I assume that somebody who speaks English as a second language thought it was LAW-yer.

What’s the year on the y axis? I assume the years the question was answered?

And I suppose the questions were asked when the oldest of the generation turned 18. I guess millennials go back to 1980 now.

I also assume that is America only because most of the Czech Republic swore off God a long time ago.

Basically this

I think Jay Z says it law-yer in 99 problems. Or as close to that pronunciation that I’ve heard.

Or from the DEEP SOUF:

I was born in an area that’s pale red on this map and have always heard both, and both have always sounded wrong to me. The only version that doesn’t offend my ear is somewhere in the middle.

Same, oddly. I’m sitting here saying “loy-yer” and “law-yer” out loud and neither fits. It’s somewhere in between, but I think closer to loy-yer for me.

Other fun maps here:

sorry bob’s pony :grin:

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I remember there was a website with all sorts of maps like that. Based on questions you’d answer, they could pinpoint the region where you’re from based on those answers. I’ll find it.

EDIT: The U.S. Dialect Quiz: How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk - The New York Times

Puts me in NJ. Very blue basically everywhere else.

Makes sense. I use most of the same words but my New York accent only pops up when I’m angry.

Puts me in Jersey City or Baltimore. One parent grew up in New Jersey, one grew up in MD, and I mostly split time between DE and MD, so story checks out.


My top match was Baltimore, followed by Columbus. I thought oh ok it picked up on something because my entire family is from Ohio. But then I looked closely and it’s Columbus, Georgia so wtf.

Map puts me in salt lake city, Stockton and Modesto CA. Lived in MN my whole life

Seriously wtf is a BAYG? Is that why Klob resonates with voters?


My NC cooler step cousin made fun of me relentlessly in 5th grade about soda/pop and have called is soda ever since. Except in the south where everything is a coke.

Soda / pop seem fine to me. Coke sounds ridiculous. But srsly can you tell me what a BAYG is because I’m dying to know. I feel it’s the key to understanding why people cheer for Klobs when she says some smarmy Midwesterner nonsense. Like, if I run for office in MN and am way up in the polls and say “looks like we got this one in the BAG” at a campaign rally, is that the igniting event where the voters turn on me and give She-Hulk the Klobmentum to surge to victory?

Is this accurate?

I’m so glad for you all. My new employees are in their 20s but in the Midwest and they try to be smart but I’m still ahead of them. I’m soda they are still saying pop.

This whole time, I thought pop was a PA/OH type of thing. Thought the south was coke and the east coast/west was soda.

MN is pop still mostly.

I’m from the middle of Michigan. In the Atlanta airport I heard an older lady ask her husband if he wanted a Pop. Not only did she say Pop, but it sounded very familiar. Yup they were from about 10 miles away. We readily identified some people we both know.

Definitely, I’m a soda guy though. Idk what the hell bayg is

Have a friend that grew up in the middle of nowhere Nebraska. He was very surprised to hear the term “Donuts” when he moved away.

We were like wtf dude

Whipping shitties defintely something we used to say, didn’t know it was that uncommon

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