Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

It nailed me as being from MA but I feel like it was easy. Does any other place use “rotary”?

Or tonic (tawnic), or crayawn, cot = caught, etc. I don’t say tonic anymore, but I useta.

Loynmower_man sounds all kinds of wrong.


I’ve never been married, you bastards.

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That isolated pocket in Colorado standing “on line” when in a queue is insane and I don’t believe it. The segment closing with a dude saying “I am on line” had me doing backflips.

I grew up in NY saying “waiting on line.”

Yeah it lights eastern NY / PA which doesn’t surprise me, but then the only other place is a circular blob centered in western CO.


Us MN people say Opp when we run into people and should say excuse me.

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lol lawyers and law as usual, this woman committed all the fraud and she’s going to be in court for a decade prior to absolutely nothing happening to her

Kurt died for their sins.

No joke…that is what my mom called it…

people who say loyer must have reading difficulties, just look at how it’s spelt you reprobates

also it’s “coke”

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Law-yer is probably the only English word Scots say correctly :man_shrugging:

Q itt? Just kidding. I do wonder what a higher power is? The force? FSM?

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Wow. So our overlords consider class impunity to be more important than punishing people who steal from them. That’s scary.

Sacklers get away with it. Commit mass murder, keep $10 billion. USA #1. I truly don’t know how anyone can be proud of this country.

The Sacklers spread misery and death across the Midwest for generations and deplorables are all up in arms about critical race theory and transgender sports.


It seems like transgender sports has already come and gone as an attempted “get the rubes riled up about stuff” tactic.

I’m afraid that this CRT stuff has some serious staying power.

When Democrats recite the parable of Goodwin Liu, they tell a story about Republican bad faith and foul play, but also one of their own failures. Progressives have largely ceded the judiciary to conservatives. Republicans have long been engaged in total warfare on the courts. They see liberal courts as an existential threat to the conservative project, and they have responded accordingly, building a well-funded machine to get true believers confirmed as judges. For years, Democrats never built an equal and opposite infrastructure for installing progressives on the federal bench.

The possible explanations are many: Democratic voters don’t care as much about courts as Republicans do; donors on the left didn’t invest in the courts the same way as those on the right have. But some Democrats are starting to suspect that the story is simpler: They’ve been chumps. They have clung to norms Republicans long ago abandoned. They have championed moderates in order to appeal to their enemies, only to watch those moderates twist in the wind. And they have turned up their nose at the idea that outside groups should run the judicial-nominations process, even when those groups are effective at what they do.