Haiti's President Assassinated

Haitian president assassinated.

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I know absolutely nothing about contemporary Haitian politics. That being said what I know about past Haitian politics strongly suggests that anyone who is a big enough scumbag to get ā€˜electedā€™ President of Haiti probably has something like this coming. I donā€™t know anything about this particular Haitian president though. The old ones were really really bad though.

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Yeah, I think youā€™ve taken the measure of this guy as well.

Despite public unrest and fragile political support, in the months before President Jovenal MoĆÆse was killed he was pursing an aggressive agenda that included rewriting the countryā€™s Constitution.

Among the provisions he was pushing for was one that would grant Haitiā€™s leader immunity for any actions while in office, leading critics to charge that he presented a threat to democracy and was setting the country on a course toward authoritarian rule.


Yeah this is one of those situations where the system is sorting for a certain type of person and that type of person tends to get ā€˜itā€™s all in the gameā€™ back from me when they die of lead poisoning.

My sensibilities arenā€™t super shocked when I find out organized crime figures just got shot to death by a group of gunmen, killed by a car bomb, or poisoned. Iā€™m not super shocked when their families end up collateral damage either. Every single one of these guys was the one who knocks plenty. They were flagged for PVP and their enemies (as shitty as their enemies also were) werenā€™t wrong about them.

Itā€™s good to know that youā€™re not personally troubled by the murder itself, but the political ramifications are probably much more significant, and likely bad, although Iā€™m pretty ignorant about Haitian politics too.

Something about this sounds familiar. I just canā€™t quite put my finger on itā€¦


I for one am proud to live in a nation in which leaders are not immune for actions while in office. Imagine living in such a backwards country.


Eh. This is just Haitian politics. This qualifies as more of the same shit that has been going on for decades.

Shit, Wyclef Jean pocketed charity donations collected under the pretense of going to Haiti and even he wasnā€™t scummy enough to be their president.

Trump pocketed money from a kids cancer charity and he won it all, USA #1

Why should the money go to some loser kid whoā€™s going to die anyway? USA #1.

I also know nothing much about Haitian politics, but I love a good round of join the unconnected dots. Anyway Moise was essentially the neoliberal guy in Haiti but had been trying to fight off calls and protests for new elections for months. Heā€™d just agreed to them and was apparently killed by Spanish and English speaking folk with guns who claimed to be DEA agents. Now the Colombian President (who also currently has mass protests against him) is calling for the OAS to go there to ā€˜secureā€™ democracy. The CIA director recently visited the Colombian and Brazilian regimes to discuss some things, Bolsanaro said it was about the worrying rise of the left in South America and what they should do about it.


The detail about the assassins claiming to be DEA agents feels made up. It would be like showing up to assassinate the US President and claiming to be from the KGB.

According to this story:

MoĆÆse was killed a day after he nominated Ariel Henry, a neurosurgeon, as Haitiā€™s new prime minister. Joseph took over the job of interim prime minister in April following the resignation of the previous premier, Joseph Jouthe.


Can we not make it all about us just this once? This probably isnā€™t about us. Haiti has been a dumpster fire since inception. Thatā€™s pretty much entirely the fault of the colonial powers, but it doesnā€™t change the fact that itā€™s one of the longest and hottest burning dumpster fires on planet earth.

Iā€™m also well aware that theyā€™ve been meddled with by us and a wide variety of other colonial powers. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m going to pretend that this gangster is a martyr. Much like itā€™s pretty safe to assume that anyone who was successful in politics in the US from 1980-2010 is a corrupt piece of shit itā€™s pretty safe to assume anyone who has ever risen through Haitian politics is a mass murdering gangster. You literally have to be.

This. Normally hit squads donā€™t announce that theyā€™re hit squads.

I didnā€™t believe it either, but Iā€™ve seen it reported by ā€˜reputable sitesā€™ that you can hear it on videos shot by residents. Apparently they stopped traffic!

Edit - Didnā€™t think it needed to be said, but obviously I donā€™t think that if they said it it means they were the DEA.

(Still could be made up obv)

Sam sedar is doing a section on Haiti atm on the Majority report on youtube


It was probably the US

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Acording to the dude on the MR Haitiā€™s left sided activists are very worried, seems to be an inside job but unverified and the Americans will install there boy which may make things worse, all unverified Ofcourse.

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Do Americans give any shits about Haiti? If so, why? Who is ā€œour boyā€?

These are earnest questions btw.

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