Haiti's President Assassinated

Who installed the last ‘Boy’ Clinton? Bush? As it was definitely America.

I’m just relaying information from the MJ, get on your twitters and find oot is probably best.

Depends on how they view the Monroe Doctrine and American imperialism.

So basically you’re wildly making shit up? Last guy took power in 2016, so bush or Clinton are out.

If anyone is actually informed on the topic I’d be interested. Really enjoyed Mike Duncan’s series on Haiti and would be interested in learning more.

Excuse me, your saying me JAQ is making shit up… :man_facepalming:

Luckily, Smacc has pointed you towards a possible solution:

He even kindly summed it up for you here:



reading, “Hey this guy isn’t as bad as I expected, I wonder what ha…”

He was ousted in the 2004 coup d’état after right-wing ex-army paramilitaries invaded the country from across the Dominican border. Aristide and many others have alleged that the United States had a role in orchestrating the coup against him.


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Haiti was the one that had a successful popular revolution and so has been systematically shat on by those imperial powers for the ensuing 200+ years.


Haiti had a successful slave revolution. The colonial powers did not appreciate that, and made them an example of what not to become.

This. Also imagine being naive enough to think that there is only one group of people in america willing to kill the president of another country for money.

Who are all these groups? Of Haiti? Trying to learn here.

Idk, red and blue? I’d guess there are at least 2 different factions within just the CIA willing to killing the president of other countries to put in ‘their guy’ aka to imbezzle those sweet, sweet ‘recovery’ dollar bills.

So two groups trying to kill Haitians? I’m going to have to at least see a Tucker Carlson segment. Links?

Believe it or not, human’s don’t really organize themselves with an absolute ruler. Even if you were to say have an elected president that a majority of people supporting them that doesn’t mean there aren’t separate subfactions or groups. It’s not outlandish to think that maybe Lockheed wants to blow up one group of people and Ratheon wants to blow up someone else. Shit… Lockheed probably wants to blow up someone different than Martin. Work in a big corporation, a lot of people don’t even give a shit if the company is profitable as long as they are getting paid.

So, links? Humans with the apostrophe doesn’t work.

Wrong side of history, check
Grammar nit, check
Substantive discussion, crickets

You’re guessing on factions trying to kill Haitians and I just asked for links for your suppositions. Holy hell.

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I’m just saying that most likely it was probably American and agree with tabbaker. Do I know? Nope. I am just seeing people say stuff like ‘the CIA did it’ and I think that’s a pretty naive world view. There are probably like a hundred people willing to kill this kind of guy and put in there own slightly better or worse version of the exact same thing. I get it, a lot of people think this is RWN or whatever but history is not on our side (for clarity, America’s). We are the imperialists and not really an organized in a monolithic way. For example, I’d be surprised if a specifically notorious American banana company hasn’t been responsible for similar so we can have $0.89/lb bananas instead of $0.92/lb bananas.

OK. Thanks for laying out the (or any evidence) on your speculations while shit talking me. Like, I tried to start a substantive discussion by asking for links or sources or anything and you are like “i can imagine it happening.” Thx coolstorybro. I’m not trying to be mean either. I thought you had more behind it is all.

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