Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Not old enough!

so idiots can run around holding ARs and that’s cool but someone drawing a handgun from a holster is suddenly a shoot on the spot person, cool cool

Austin is one of four significant America cities I haven’t visited (San Antonio, San Diego, and Saint Louis are the others) so I appreciate this insight.

I’ve read between the lines about Austin, based largely on who is doing the fawning, and sort of written it off as another version of Nashville. But it’s hard for me to take the initiative to plan a special trip there to check it out.

We need Good Guys with ARs to protect us from from the Bad Guys with hand guns. Duh.

Heh I guess it is a “sorry for any confusion”.

Hi Sai, sorry for any confusion but I haven’t built anything yet. The only API you can try out right now is the existing one, which requires the full object, and does not have the changes you asked for such as splitting employment into its own object, and adding field of specialty.

Once we nail down the process for batch auto-commit and I know what my API’s interaction with that is going to look like, then I can finalize the API spec with your team, and finally I will build the new API. I expect there will be more changes to the spec to accommodate the auto-commit process, and further edge cases like how CRM handles international addresses.


These MFers won’t stop bugging the shit out of me even though we’ve had meetings where everyone agrees we can’t do shit until the back-end process for committing data is nailed down.

I know it’s because they’re contractors with nothing to do and need to bill hours. My work does that all the time.

“Why are we doing this now? No one is ready yet and the business customer doesn’t even want it yet.”

“Because we already paid the vendor.”

I am 41 and have never seen anyone die irl at all, ever. Wondering how unusual this is.

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i’ve never seen anyone die outside of working an ambulance or work. I do keep tourniquets in my car in case I run into some crazy accident.

I’ve never seen anyone die irl either.

I think maybe the closest I’ve been to seeing someone die is when I witnessed an accident involving a guy on a motorcycle. The motorcycle hit a car turning left which sent the motorcyclist flying straight over his handlebars and over the hood of the car. He did a flip in the air and landed on his ass.

How likely is it for old people to die during sex specifically of a heart attack?

In simpler terms, how much does a high heartrate for someone with a bad heart or simply just old age in the short term play into a heart attack?

lol, no idea. I’m sure you could find a bunch of old dudes who would bang until they die for science.

Honestly no idea. We purposely induce high heart rates all the time in people with CAD to see how bad their hearts are so it can’t be that high.


Thanks, my assumption was that it should be pretty damn low but thought I’d check just incase there was something I didn’t know.

42 and same.

Yeah, that’s kind of my point about it being forced and affected. If you need to have a slogan about keeping your city weird, it’s already too late.

Sometimes I want to blame Linklater for being the person who made Austin self-conscious about its quirkiness, but honestly I think it was just the general trend of the times that made so many cities kind of crappy and sterile by the end of the century.

San Diego truly is America’s finest city. Love vacationing there.

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I’ve seen a van tumbling down the median strip of the highway that I heard later was a fatality. Not sure if that counts.

Heh, I’ve totally been to Keeneland. Because of a science conference, of all things. UK hosted a meeting during the big April weekend, and it was an official outing. Not a half bad time.

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I’ve seen one person die in a poker room, and it was not pretty. An obese guy got up and started hopping around holding his throat before falling over. I believe he choked on his own blood. Ugh.

One of my all-time favorite things is karaoke. It’s awesome to see an amazing, enthusiastic performance.

There’s an MD on youtube who… has some thoughts… about premature discharges and readmissions for chronic conditions.

@CaffeineNeeded , @Will1530

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Probability goes up quickly around 50.

the ativan one is better.

also zdogg has become a giant tool unfortunately wrt covid.