Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

paging @clovis8


I didn’t see them die, but I talked to a person who drove off a cliff and was clearly hurt really bad while we waited for rescue workers. She ended up dying by the time they got her up but I never saw her body.

Still fucked me up a lot. I think it was a lot worse than just seeing the body. Being the last person she talked to, telling her she would be ok, help was on the way. Didn’t help I was high on MDMA at the time either ( was in a transpiration van at the time driving us down a hill )

Other than that I’ve never seen someone die either.


I’m going to save this to my phone the next time that Trucker comes in and starts blaming the port unions.

I’m sure it’ll be NY times is fake news, or because nobody wants to drive their Truck because somehow magically everyone is still getting $600 extra a month on unemployment because I know people who are.

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Is there anything the government could do about the supply chain? Maybe subsidize drivers or offer their own incentives or something?

They need to get that under control by 2022 or they’re going to lose 50 seats oh god why do I keep doing this I need to stop caring they’re fucked regardless.

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Seems like they could activate the national guard or some other government force to do it. Assuming there are trucks available.

Seems like such an easy answer that I assume there’s some issue doing it.

Seeing how incompetent they are at everything else and how paralyzed they are out of fear from right wing attacks honestly it’s very possible its an easy fix and they’re just completely fucking it up.

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IME San Diego is another aggressively non-weird place whose charms largely elude me. They do have the same pleasant weather every day and lovely beaches if that is your thing. I will say they have some pretty crazy trees there and I get a kick out of the fact that the public transit goes to Tijuana.

San Antonio is a decently weird city that has long held a place in my heart. That said, the tourist zone is typically unpleasant (but still grounded in the city and not completely interchangeable like Gaslamp/Sixth street etc.). The city’s charms may be a little impenetrable for visitors. More of a vibes kind of thing I guess. Definitely a place where you would want a local to show you around.

Haven’t been to Saint Louis since I was a kid. Seems like it might be a weird city, I would like to check it out again someday. Everybody says bad things about it, which is usually a good sign imo.

St. Louis sucks.


I’m open to having my opinion changed, but my first impression about this is “Why should the national guard be doing this?”

I mean, you’re not wrong, but this doesn’t always hold true. There are plenty of places that remain weird and essential despite interminable self-consciousness and marketing. New Orleans and Las Vegas are high profile examples. Maybe even Brooklyn.

I don’t know. National emergency, I guess. National economic emergency? I don’t know what the powers of the government are to activate the guard so I have no idea what they would have to declare to do so.

The NG doesn’t have a lot of trucks compared to the whole US fleet and they definitely don’t have a lot of semi tractors or people trained to drive them.

They have a nice chess club in St Louis.


Couldn’t the NG help staff the trucking companies? The shortage is enough drivers, not enough trucks, right?

It’s very hard to get a CDL (commercial drivers license) without access to the extremely expensive equipment and free hours to train, and somewhat difficult even if you have access and are getting paid to train (which is extremely rare in my experience). Although I guess they make automatic transmission semi tractors now and it’s becoming a lot easier.

Then you have fairly strict medical requirements like you can’t have diabetes and your top number blood pressure has to be less than 140. Also there’s drug testing, which, apparently if a company follow the drug testing guidelines and they get caught a couple of times, then the principals and officers in the company can get banned from being involved with any DOT companies for life.

On top of all this, most companies are going to have shitty compensation and hours with unpredictable schedules, which makes it impossible to have a life.

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The only redeeming quality about St. Louis is the brewery scene, the zoo, and the children museum.

When I saw this in the news a month or two ago I just thought it was a kid that made a mistake and ran into some cyclists. Turns out he’s a redneck idiot that was trying to roll coal into a group of cyclists, and then, because he was white and this is Texas, doesn’t get arrested for it.

A 16-year-old Texas boy is charged with multiple felony counts after he allegedly hit a group of six bicyclists with his pickup truck while trying to blow exhaust on them, authorities announced Monday.

The Waller County district attorney’s office said in a statement that a teenager who drove his vehicle into bicyclists training for a triathlon, hitting all six riders and sending four to the hospital, has been charged with six counts of felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon — one charge for each cyclist hit on Sept. 25. The teen, who has yet to be publicly identified, was not charged or cited by police after the incident, despite accounts from victims and witnesses that he deliberately antagonized the riders.

Although four of the riders were hospitalized for their injuries, the 16-year-old was not arrested. Instead, the boy’s parents showed up, and police let the teen leave after they had finished questioning him.

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I have a feeling my mom massively regrets our trip to San Diego when I was in 8th grade. It was 11 degrees when we left Kansas City. I was like this is so much better than KC. I moved out to the West Coast in 1996 and never looked back.

I still love Kansas City. But screw the winters and summers. If I could spend spring and fall in KC I’d consider it.

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They put children in a museum?

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