Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Something along those lines. It’s legit a great place even as an adult.

I’m actually going to San Diego over Thanksgiving week (gf’s cousin lives in Riverside so we’re headed up there for Thanksgiving). I’m much more excited about going into Tijuana for a couple nights than going to San Diego itself, but I’m pretty jaded on American cities tbh.

Sad. I always liked him. He was even in a couple of Columbo episodes.


in dreams

it has a bar!

They often have adults nights where you can go, get drunk, and play. Would recommend.

I live at the case of mountain so a lot of people train there on bikes. I remember one time there was a group of like 10 cyclist taking up an entire lane on a two lane road. There was a line or like 15 cars stuck behind them going about 10 mph as it was slightly up hill.

Running them over would be excessive but they each needed a good ass kicking.


He made it work but his part in the Battlestar reboot felt creepy at times. Maybe because he had a thing with my favorite Cylon.

That’s a common problem on narrow mountain roads going up ski resorts here in Utah. The roads have gotten wider but there are more vehicles now. At times the traffic slows to a crawl with frequent stops, cyclists or no. Now they’re looking at a gondola up the mountains but getting plenty of opposition.


Yeah I wasn’t trying to make a broader point about cyclists. Just sharing a story of when I wanted to kick their ass.

The audacity to just take up the only lane and just cruise along while people honk and the cars pile up.

Can drivers are definitely way more dangerous and are usually way dumber/more careless. It was just the arrogance that stood out to me

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One of the greatest guys I’ve ever seen and known.

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I got stung by either that or a hornet/wasp in the toe this summer. Worst pain I’ve felt in 20 years. Hurt for an hour.

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fingers are a shitty spot to get stung, nowhere for the swelling to go and lots of nerves.

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Oof. Yellowjackets are nasty.

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Article doesn’t answer his question about HSC and I don’t know what it is either. Guessing something like high school completion.


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Even a mosquito bite on a finger is unpleasant. Especially right on a knuckle.

College basketball started I guess. Watching Duke / UK and tbh this shit is unwatchable, barely better than AAU. I watched G-League summer rookies once and boy was that a mistake. This is worse. Also, the officiating / points of emphasis are unreal bad.

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Wait, are you saying Portland isn’t weird? Still seems weird AF to me. Maybe my standards are low.