Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

All I know about Austin is that it’s spent the past 20 years aggressively trying to convince me that it’s a super cool city, it’s like when you want to get your friend to check out a book/movie that you think is awesome so you pester him about it all the time.


In the Virgin Islands they have these things called Jack Spaniards that bite and sting you at the same time. Top 5 worst pain of my life.

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And then the book/movie never lives up.

Portland is definitely not weird. It was probably weird 30 years ago. Now it’s just a place with a fuckton of mediocre food trucks. There was an entire multi-season TV show about how kooky Portland is. When people in Dubuque can watch basic cable episodes about how zany some city is, that’s a pretty good sign that whatever made it interesting in the first place is has long since been subsumed into a slightly grotesque facsimile.

I want to be clear that I’m not trashing these cities as places to move to and live in. There’s tons of reasons to live somewhere like Austin or Portland or Asheville or Minneapolis. But I think it’s important to recognize that some key part of what created those cities’ identities has had to die in the service of making it attainable to the masses in a diluted form.

So where’s the cool weird authentic city to move to nowadays? Can liberals start colonizing somewhere in Montana or Idaho?

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The trendiness that can be spoken of is not the true trendiness.

-Lao Tzu


The cities that sprout up around homesteads.

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Why do people want to move somewhere weird? I want a boring and efficient city to live in.

Yeah, pretty much any city of moderate or greater size is sufficiently weird for me. And it hasn’t mattered at all the last year and a half.

New Orleans - at least it’s cool and weird. Not very liberal the moment you hit metarie

I know that sucks! Once when I was like 14 I was mowing grass with a push mower and ran over a hole in our back yard, it was pretty small and had been there for ever and i had run over it a hundred times. Next minute I am Usain Bolting out of there, tearing layers of clothing off as I go. A yuge colony of yellow jackets had taken abode in the hole.

Fk those things do they even have any purpose at all in the food chain? Or are they part of the punishment for Adam and Eve eating that stupid forbidden quiche or whatever? I think when they sting you they don’t even die or some shit

Nah dog you’ve got murda hornets


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OTOH bees :honeybee: are kinda cool and necessary and after hearing a story on Weekend Edition a while back about beekeepers, I’m seriously considering taking it up. Anyone ever done it? How expensive is it to get into? Will my neighbors burn my house down?

Isn’t it supposed to generally not be a good idea to testify in your own defense?

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Make luuuv to zee camera!

Only works if the camera loves you imo.

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I’ve already mentally prepared myself for Rittenhouse getting off scott free.


Lawyer Twitter is all over this

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I just randomly turned it on but it sounded like the prosecutor was trying to introduce something Rittenhouse said to impeach him that the court previously already ruled couldn’t be introduced as evidence.


The judge seems far too hostile, even if his point is valid.

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