Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Being naughty, not nice.

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I’m hoping his location is routinely disclosed and he spends the rest of his life wondering if someone will come at him.

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Going to be a lot of health care labor strikes this month. Will be interesting to see what happens.

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Yeah, that’s not going to happen.


Just dropping in to comment on how depressing it is just how hopelessly captured Florida’s government is.

He already has hung out with the Proud Boys or whoever. He will have a group of meatheads around him all with guns and harassing minorities and likely a member of gov’t at some point like others have said.

You definitely have to kill the nest. We had one over our front door and immediately went to the hardware store and got the bee killer stuff. You just douse the nest with the spray.

I think they can also make nests berries in the ground that you’ll want to look out for.

yep i do that. i don’t find it very difficult but it does take effort and a certain level of worry/planning. you are planning on doing it for pollination or honey?

wta: different locales have different rules. in WA they just effectively legalized it by making you not liable in case of a swarm, etc. it’s not a huge risk, but it is additional worry.

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Why “this month” specifically? And how large are we talking?

just buy/make a trap. you can usually deplete a colony without finding it by trapping enough foragers. i don’t know enough about insect killers from hardware store to just spray close to the house.

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Yeah this dude has bodyguards and unlimited GoFundMe monies for life.

I don’t know why this month is the month. HCW strikes are usually announced before they happen.

Socal Kaiser is facing a massive strike

Sutter is too

There’s more, and more announced coming up.

Not sure where you live, but if you’re not necessarily interested in honey, there may be local pollinators that you can give a hand to. Lots of bees don’t live in communal hives, so just giving them a good place to shelter and put down pupae will help.


Bee Tax - I live in New Hampshire, I had Dahlias blooming until a week ago, and they were getting swarmed by these hungry boys:


Lots of people who end up in “weird” cities don’t want that at all. Many of them are a bit on the fringes socially and simply want to live somewhere they can just be, without a lot of attached baggage about it. Trying to be weird and trendy is the exact opposite of what they’re after.

Unfortunately for them, when you get large concentrations of people like that they often create interesting places that other people find appealing, and they start flocking in too and the whole thing starts to snowball. Eventually it stops being a place where the fringe can just be. Now they have to be a specific thing, to fit certain expectations. It has baggage.

For example, imagine a hobo. An actual rail-riding homeless person with a vague past and no future. One day they hop on the wrong train and end up in some small, slightly quirky, laid-back city in the Appalachians. They stay for a bit, busking for cash, just hanging out. It’s a comfortable and unpretentious place. Eventually they become a local figure known for their unique musical talents.

Soon, others start to notice. There are some collaborations with other musicians. Youtubes get made. And then things start to go viral. That person becomes a minor internet celebrity, with attendant drama. They become a public face of the city and a tourist attraction in their own right. They get their own Wikipedia page.

Meanwhile, the city itself is becoming less lazily comfortable and increasingly unaffordable. It now has an image it projects to the outside world. The downtown area is packed with boutique hotels and microbreweries and gourmet biscuit diners, and is nearly identical to every other small city that’s packed with nearly identical venues.

That’s probably not what the hobo really wanted at all. They probably just wanted to keep hanging out and busking somewhere on their own terms and not having to bear all the rest of the nonsense. Eventually they’d probably just say fuck it and move back to Kansas.

If you don’t already know, that is the 100% true story of Abby the Spoon Lady and Asheville, NC.


I love honey but don’t eat a lot of it, so mainly pollination

Can’t make this shit up. BOOMERS


He must be trolling. Probably did it for a bet.

then i would suggest just doing solitary bees in a bee hotel, and maybe planting more attractor plants, and wild/overgrown areas. it’s easy, safe, beneficial, and lot less work. just plan ahead for the spring so you don’t miss a chance to buy them at the right time.