Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide


Better if it were the same guy before/after. Funny either direction.

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fyi my friend in a local ER heard this too and thought it was 100% real

This is awesome.




That’s bush league. Here’s the pro version:

Some of you might remember me talking about the company my cousin worked for moving from the Bay Area to Jackson Hole for tax reasons. The big boss was always kind of a pompous hardcore right wing asshole - but also the best at what he did and it was his company - so people just put up with it.

I found out last night the big boss, who is now over 80, has lost his mind and become paranoid that everyone was out to get him. He basically drove everyone off and destroyed the company. The employees even offered to buy it from him with a super generous offer. But he has no other life outside of running the company. The guy is worth 100s of millions and could have retired 30-40 years ago.

You have to wonder how often life ends ugly for people like that.

They actually aren’t all bad. They kill lots of bugs (caterpillars, etc.) that feed on your garden. They also are usually pretty docile so long as you don’t get near their nest. However, if the nest is in a place where you walk by, they are a huge pain. And yes, they can sting multiple times without dying.

I found a yellow jacket nest the hard way recently when I was doing some gardening and got stung like 10 times before I could get away. They are at least pretty easy to get rid of once you locate the nest. Just sprinkle some of the dust made to kill them at the entrance to their whole. Make sure you do it at night, since that is when they are least active (and wear full body protection). Killed the nest I found in one dusting.

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i heard about this shit the other day in reference to this exact story from an older ID doc (friends dad who worked with Fauci way back when) who treated people during the aids epidemic.

Friend has a birthday card from Fauci which I thought was pretty cool.

Oh my God. I haven’t laughed that hard at a video in forever.

Interesting analysis on the current political climate from Pew with emphasis on the divisions within the red and blue coalitions:

Pew Research Center conducted this study to learn more about the complexity of the current political environment. While partisanship remains the dominant factor in politics, we sought to identify the fissures within both partisan coalitions. We did this by creating a political typology, which classifies the public into nine distinct groups based on their political values and attitudes.

Good news: democratic coalition outnumbers republican by 45-40
Bad news: only 6% are characterized as “Progressive Left”


Obviously WAAF but still interesting analysis.

LOL “faith and flag conservatives” OK BOOMERS

Faith and Flag Conservatives are the oldest typology group, with a median age of 57.


Where is Q?

“Committed Conservatives”

Good question. The report does not mention QAnon that I can find. There’s probably some tucked into every red group—the “Populist Right” is more rural and less educated than the other groups so there’s gotta be some in there.

I could dig into this shit all day, but it’s so depressing. A significant number of people live in a different universe. “Faith and Flag” conservatives are just the worst.

If you guessed the most important issues for F&F cons would be “Illegal Immigration” and “Violent Crime”, you’d be right!

This one’s amazing. It’s those damn experts causing all the problems.

Calling them faith and flag conservatives is incredible

Its a nifty short hand for “conservatives that proudly and vocally believe in totally imaginary things”.

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Guillotines. With a side of lol NY Times.



Background: AOC/Sanders want post offices to be able to cash checks since poor people pay insane amounts for check cashing and are locked out of real banking. Obviously this is a political nonstarter because (insert dumb but obvious reason here).

News: Post office pilots a system where paychecks can be used to purchase gift cards at 4 post offices. You can already buy gift cards at the post office; now a paycheck can be used as a form of payment.

Republican Response: “sOciAliZed baNkiNg”

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