GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Marjorie Taylor Greene providing oversight….puke…

e) all of the above

Reported. Can’t believe it’s still up.

Unable to reply to tweet. Fuck you seems appropriate.

I was once at an AYCE in redneck central Florida and someone in the restaurant literally had a heart attack while I was there. Everyone kept stuffing their faces and nobody cared.

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I’ve seen multiple people die in poker rooms. People do talk about it, though, as soon as their pleas to get the cards back in the air are heard. “Dead man, dead hand” jokes keep the deceased’s memory alive.

So, uh, that’s AOC that he’s killing just before the 1min mark? Cool, cool.

Well…Some of us are stuck.

Yea she tweeted about it a bunch

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Lol fucking Twitter.

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Actually my worst nightmare is all the nutballs of different religions unite when they realize they have more in common than with secular people of their own religion.

My brain just exploded


Maybe gay men and intravenous drug users would have been pariahs had they been running around injecting their blood into random people.

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Also they were pariahs in the 80s.



Hawley ripping liberals for playing video games. He’s obviously never seen in game chat or been in any gaming voice/discord chat.

“If we survive this as a free country, historians will ask how did this happen. How did people get governed by irrational fears?”

Gee, fuckface, I wonder how? Do you think it might be from folks like you going on bullshit TV news networks and screaming about critical race theory being taught to their first graders, or caravans of immigrants coming?

JFC. Ban TV and social media or something.

That’s maybe the scariest thing about all this to me - right-wingers literally think they’re in danger of losing democracy the other way.

Republicans are doing everything they can to erode faith in the voting process and suppress votes, including actively campaigning against Secretaries of State like Raffesburger that did the right thing, storming the US capitol while the votes were being officially entered as directed by a sitting POTUS, and having a White House lawyer lay out detailed elaborate plans to sabotage the electoral college process–while putting massive pressure on Mike Pence to do start the internal coup in motion.

Meanwhile even moderate Republicans who didn’t vote for Trump are ignoring all that, but freaking out about: cancel culture, critical race theory - something something - 1984 is right around the corner. Vote like our democracy depends on it!

We are so fucked.

It’s like having a toddler in the house who is trying to kill you. But you can’t even spank him in response. The best you can do put him in a brief timeout and spend all your waking hours trying to foil his next plan.