Who will run in 2020?

Capitol Weekly - CA120 - Profile

California, look at that movement.

She’s picking up steam.



Posting again for the folks in the back. I guess all this is “lackluster?” Also, I’m personally apologizing that Pete wasn’t able to fix all of racism in 8 years. :roll_eyes: I mean, you can’t conscript black people to go be cops if they don’t want to be cops. It’s not just a South Bend prblem, either:

I’m glad there are reasonable people here who recognize the “quality” of TYT. I’m also glad I read the thread and wasn’t here to post right after smacc posted the video :stuck_out_tongue:


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All good, brother!

No one comes out of a chief executive (mayor/governor/POTUS) job looking perfect.


QFT. And you should be very very suspicious of any chief executive that can’t rattle off at least half a dozen major mistakes they’ve made (and hopefully learned from) if you ask them about it.

The first time I remember thinking W wasn’t ever going to be in my good graces was when he used the word ‘crusade’ in a speech that was aimed at the middle east (any good executive would have changed the word on the fly and thought ‘I need to fire a speech writer’). The second time was in a debate against Kerry when he was asked about mistakes he’d made and he dodged the question and admitted nothing. The significance of the second instance was confirmed super hard when Katrina hit ldo.

Admitting to your mistakes quickly and learning from them ASAP is an absolutely critical component in the makeup of a good decision maker at basically any level.

Pete being racist has been known.

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The POTUS has political capital and leverage that can be applied to convince their own party to nuke the filibuster. Thus, it’s a valid strategy.

The law only allows budget reconciliation to be used once a year. This has been in the news a ton in the last few years as the GOP has used budget reconciliation to try to take down the ACA.

Well, pretty simple, he’s against getting rid of the filibuster. Basically some form of HR1-plus should be a litmus test for the candidate. I say should, because it obviously won’t because 90% of the country is clueless. But if we don’t do something to even things up a bit in the Senate, end voter suppression and end gerrymandering, we’re toast. That doesn’t get done with a legislative filibuster, so, it’s gotta go. Also we should pack the court or impeach Kavanaugh, but of course he won’t get convicted anyway.

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Liz +8, Sanders +3 and where are those 11 points coming from? Mostly Biden. Biden -9. Harris -1, Buttigieg -1.

Let’s goooooooooooooooooo!

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I’ve been saying it for awhile… Liz is a fucking beast. She has a tightly coiled broadly appealing stump speech, her campaign is running like a well oiled machine, and she just cruises at 50,000 feet above the other candidates in debates. Anyone who comes after her she casually demolishes. She’s making the whole thing look easy, and in hindsight we’ll all probably be talking about how uncompetitive the 2020 Dem primary was.

And she’s going to crush Donald like a tin can. Even his inevitable ham handed attempts to rig the election are going to fail miserably and move the needle against him. It’s going to be a fun watch.




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We got an ad for the Yang contest so I took it and filled it out. Kinda lame that after you fill it out it redirects you to a donation page that won’t let you continue without making some donation. You can just leave the page, but I’m sure some people feel like they aren’t finished entering the contest unless they continue through that screen.

That sounds not legal.

Dude, it’s apparently okay for Yang to violate election laws.


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I didn’t like that either. There should of been a screen saying congrats you entered then a link to donate if you want.


Warren gonna look good in Iowa and NH and NV. Biden may survive SC, but Warren will win CA. The high infos have moved to Warren and the lower infos will move in her direction as things progress.

Warren is really impressive. Just has to keep that momentum going for a long time. That’s my main worry.

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VP market on predictit going, right now top picks are Abrams, Harris, Castro, Booker