Who will run in 2020?

Wow old people really hate Sanders.

Abrams and Castro make the most sense, I don’t know what Harris and Booker would bring to the ticket.

Booker brings young guy energy and comes from a blue state (although I haven’t looked up who their governor is).

Do you guys see a Warren/Yang ticket happening?

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Harris probably winds up AG. I’d like to see Holder back in there for maximum rustlage. Or maybe Preet but I’m kinda at the f Preet stage of that relationship

I don’t see a guy like Yang playing second fiddle to anyone, but I wouldn’t hate it

I don’t, and he doesn’t know anything about being president of the Senate but if he’s just going to be a puppet of Warren’s then I’d love it

I don’t see how Warren benefits from it. Anecdotally, our Yangers itf are already excited to vote for Warren. This would also open her up to hits on the recent Yang campaign finance controversy. Olds hate UBI too (ldo, since they already get a bunch of gov cheese).

Liz “I Love Capitalism” Warren will not be attending a climate change forum.

Bernie and Pete will.


Yeah, surprised it was 2%. Old people, smh.

That settles it. She’s definitely against doing anything about climate change.

Had dinner with my super right wing aunt and uncle tonight. Aunt says she’ll just be forced to vote for Trump if Warren wins the nom, gosh darn it. And she’ll feel really bad about it, of course.

This is the same aunt and uncle who stayed pissed at me for years when I made the mistake of mentioning that I had campaigned for Obama. Guess we’re gonna have to go with Biden. Warren can’t win.

The thing is, she’s going to be “forced” to vote for Trump no matter what… She just hasn’t come up with her reason for not being able to vote for Biden yet.

Probably that he babbles incoherently and is mildly racist. (Because fuck us, that’s why.)

Of course. I actually take it as a good sign because it means Warren’s doing well enough that they’re afraid of her.

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Liz “I’m Going to Kick Your Favorite Candidate’s Ass” Warren is currently on MSNBC agreeing with a bunch of Inslee’s proposals on climate change.

Is Inslee good enough for you on climate change, or no?

Friday’s portion of the climate forum will coincide with another forum being held in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, that is focused on LGBTQ issues.

A representative for Warren’s campaign referenced the Iowa forum as the reason why the candidate, who has been consistently polling in second or third place, will be skipping the climate event.

“She will be holding a town hall and participating in the LGBTQ+ presidential forum. She will also have a specific stop to talk about how we take on climate change,” the spokesperson said.


Supporting Biden at this point is like being a Packers fan in past years up 3 in the 3rd with Fat Mike as your coach. You’re a favorite, but every decision going forward will likely be dumb and hurt your chances.


So effing pumped for Warren momentum.

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I mean, great job chipping away at Pete and his fourth-tier bid for the nomination. That’s the kind of pointless infighting we need right now.