Who will run in 2020?

Mayor Pete is fucking awful. I’m ok with people pointing that out. I want a killer. Literally.

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The problem with the whole “voters hate political polarization” thing is that it’s like saying that voters are concerned about the national debt, therefore we must run on cutting spending and raising taxes. Even though those things would logically be required to reduce the national debt, it doesn’t follow that voters concerned about the national debt want them done. Instead the answer is simply that there’s a disconnect between what voters want and what would be required to bring it about.

Studies show that a dislike of political polarization is greater among voters less engaged with politics and the reason for this is simple: there are a great many issues that they don’t really care about and wish everyone would stop bickering over. You thus can’t win votes by being nonpartisan, because these voters aren’t really paying attention to those issues. The idea that there are large numbers of voters out there who sincerely want compromise on the actual issues which matter to THEM is insane. I know a lot of politicians are using “polarization” and “compromise” rhetoric cynically, but there appear to also be a lot who sincerely believe that voters will reward compromise.

“Pocahontas will take all your money folks… all your money, think of it, [garble] all your beautiful money, gone, [sniff sniff] all of it” fucking smite me I’m already fearing this bs gives stable a 44% floor in the general, how do you guys have any faith, seriously lmk.


Warren is my #2 and I like her, but this bothers me… Why do you suppose she seems to be hedging and refuses to use the term single payer system?

I really don’t care. A few things like that might be slightly troubling vs. Bernie, but it’s not that big a deal. Like, we’re astoundingly unlikely to really have universal public no premium health care within the next 8 years anyway. If we fade Biden, fade Trump winning and then Fade Trump refusing to leave, and then it’s Bernie or Liz, I’ll be deliriously happy.

Maybe I’m missing it on her site, but I’d feel a lot better if she just came out and said she favors a single payer system. I’m not saying she’d pull the carpet out from underneath, but anything less leaves her at #2 imo

Of course. But do you really think it will take 8 years to fix everything broken with our current healthcare system? Sanders says flat out he’ll go after the pharmaceutical companies and end their greed. Warren also says she’d try to negotiate, which is fine. But I think we need serious push back against the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. I can’t put my finger on it, but Warren hasn’t convinced me she’d go after them nearly as hard as Sanders

He will be saying that and red baiting no matter who wins.

Bernie and Warren have been a toss up for me but she is more of a risk imo because of the amount of sexism in America.

Course Bernie is a Jewish atheist so maybe they cancel each other out.


I’ll think they’ll both go hard, but they would both be dogs to succeed. It could happen, but it’ll require more than just either of them winning.

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Democracy dies in our editorial section.

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YangGang here, pulling the lever for whatever Dem comes outs. Andrew is on record saying his job is to help get DT out of office so running as a 3rd party is not an option.

There is a video of him saying that somewhere.

I don’t think him being VP makes much sense.


I actually disagree about Yang for VP. I think he’d be a strong choice for anyone but Bernie basically, particularly if they take up the freedom dividend… which I think is both good economics and politics.

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I believe he has said he is not interested in vying for a VP role.

Right, need to get back to hand wringing about Yang breaking campaign finance laws.

He’s said he doesn’t care what his role in the next administration is as long as he’s getting stuff done actually. He’s also said he doesn’t give a fuck (his words exactly) about a job in the Biden administration lol. Not that hard to see why I like him lol.

That being said at this point he’s still seriously running to win it all.

Yang seems like a FPS VP candidate, and an odd match for any of the frontrunners given that his main gimmick doesn’t appear on anyone else’s platform afaik.

Stacey Abrams would be great (and would have been a great presidential candidate) but I think she’s on record as saying she isn’t interested in VP? I know she at least came out very strongly against running for Senate, saying she could do more good in other ventures.

I think a policy merger between Warren and Yang would be awesome, but they are easily my top two candidates so I’m very biased.

This kinda makes me wanna vote for Pete just to spite these try-hards.

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