Who will run in 2020?

I stand corrected, guess it was just Senate that she ruled out. Go Stacey.

(Though I also wonder if VP would actually be a good move for her–she’ll be strong in 2024 either way.)

Sorry to be harsh but what has Abrams done that deserves a vp spot?


Warren needs someone who isn’t a nerd. Pete would be a poor choice for her for the same reason. She needs a pick like Obama made. A white dude with folksy charm who can help sell her. Scratch the white actually, just anyone charming. Picking another woman would probably be a distraction though.

Yang does really well with red voters. Like really really well.

Abrams is an excellent VP choice as well.

There’s not a chance in hell anyone selects Yang for VP.


Yeah, I don’t get the Abrams hype train. Seems like she needs to be governor first before going straight to the VP slot. A lot of the Abrams hype feels like blatant pandering to AA voters.


Picking a VP tends to be like what you do in the 4th quarter of a football game. If you’re ahead, you just want to do something safe and run out the clock (Biden, Kaine). If you’re behind, you have to throw a hail mary (Palin, Ryan). At least that was the pre-Trump line of thinking. I don’t even know what the fuck the right VP strategy to play against Trump is. But if the dem nominee is killing Trump in the polls come VP pick time, it’s probably best not to get too out there.

She is a former state representative from Georgia. That’s the extent of her accomplishments.

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Are there any good VP options from MI, WI, or PA? Seems to me like those are the most key states to make sure Trump is defeated in 2020.

Sherrod Brown (Ohio I know, but would be good for that area I think - though bad for losing a Senate seat)


Agree on being good for the area but losing that Senate seat would be really bad. It’s probably hard to make a calculation of how much more EV Sherrod would add vs. the likelihood of winning the presidency anyway but losing the Senate seat.

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Bernie would be a good VP for that area as well. And in Vermont there’d be a special election for his seat in 3 months and a Democrat would almost certainly win.

Just my gut feel, so I stand to be corrected, but I doubt a Warren/Bernie ticket would play well in those States. I can see Bernie being VP for a more centrist candidate (Buttigieg, Biden), but Warren would need someone more to the center to get those Biden voters to pull the lever for her.

Picking Sherrod Brown would be peak Dems.

Sacrificing a D senator in an R state who just got re-elected in 2018.

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Weird as it is, Bernie and Liz seem to have a lot of non-overlapping support, especially young vs. old. Maybe despite having extremely similar policies, saying “I’m a capitalist to my bones” vs. saying “I’m a Democratic Socialist” is enough to make them seem quite different to a huge swath of voters.

I have this dream where Warren debates Trump and after he speaks she just gives this wtf look and then discusses her own policies, rinse, repeat. I think she’s one person who can actually make him look like more of a malignant buffoon than he already does. I really don’t want to see anyone try and go toe to toe in a mudfest.

It sucks because Brown would probably be the best pick for the candidates that don’t play well in the Midwest/Rust belt. I’m looking at you Warren. But they just can’t afford to give up that Senate seat.

Well, I have faith that he’s going to say the same thing whether we nominate Warren, Biden, or Kasich, so we should just nominate our best candidate regardless. Since he’s going to accuse our nominee of that, it’s probably better if they are able to actually offer 95-99% of the country something better than the status quo by taking some of the 1%ers money and funding good, progressive policies.