Who will run in 2020?

The article lays out the problems with this approach.

It is true that the President can’t directly abolish the filibuster, although it’s obvious that if Warren wins after campaigning on abolishing the filibuster, and her agenda stalls because of it, it puts tremendous pressure on D Senators to vote for a rules change. And imo this would end up a lot more palatable to the Senate (i.e. burn your political capital less and help you pass more of your bills) than decreeing that your proxy decides what the rules are according to what suits you.

“Saudi Arabia’s bitch” is a line Tulsi’s used before, during the Khashoggi episode. She’s good on that issue.

The Human Fund might also get a check

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@skydiver8 This is why I would never support Pete as him being a Gay person he should know far better than to diminish other minorities rights.

So yeah Fuck him.

I watched up until the host started talking generalities about our system of government.

Your take sounds a little extreme? Sounds like South Bend has some racist police officers, which I’m guessing makes them just like every other town in the country.

So fuck Mayor Pete? I don’t get it.

I’m more on team fuck tyt honestly. This big story is old news… and I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get more than five minutes into one of their poorly thought out videos without going on tilt and quitting.


Yeah Fuck him plain and simple.

When you run for mayor of a town that has obviously got racial issues (As every police force in the US has) you should not be going into it blind and you should in these times be looking to distance yourself from as many of the racist people as possible and distance yourself from the very folks who have been able to keep the suffering of Americans ongoing because of the color of their skin.

I’m over courting to folks who court racist views period, because we in Britain knows where it leads to (See Ireland and the Troubles) (See the Scottish issues) (goto the Welsh history and see what happens)

So yeah, I know if it continues it will go back to not only blacks but will indeed if they got their way also target religious folks too. So yeah fuck him and anyone who supports a racist enabler.

Can you explain what you think happened here? Because I read the TYT story and I have no idea what the allegation is supposed to be. Frankly, I would bet heavily that you didn’t watch the Yootoobz you posted.

Haven’t watch the vid so no comment on that yet but absolutely fuck TYT. If they spent 1/4 of the time attacking Trump/deplorables that they spend attacking Dems I might find them relevant again some day



Like there was apparently a discussion between two racist police officers about pressuring Buttigieg donors to get rid of the police chief and at a later date, Buttigieg did in fact demote the police chief. But the idea that there was a connection between these two events seems dubious, which is why the TYT article just waffles and dumps random factoids rather than attempting to build any sort of narrative.

Who the heck is TYT?

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The Young Turks

The Young Turks. They’re who you see when you need purity testing


Fuck me I guess.

Yeah I get that… I also get why TYT is not to be trusted as much as other progressive sites.

Today in Britain we Scottish folk will see our Scottish judges get hounded by some folks not being named by Politicians for their own political gains by trying to turn our parlementry system into a fascist system.

And I’m done with Peeps like Mayor Pete who wants to bow down to police pressure by trying to sack a black police chief because of white offices prejudices.

Look into the whole story for my reasons. And no I’m not taking Mayor Peter’s word that he didn’t Infact do that.

Was 3 Americans terrorised because of a child’s mistake, yes, are they still on the force, Yes. Did Mayor Pete try to sack the chief, yes… Fortunately the chief new his rights and took a demotion.

Whenever I see anything from TYT it’s always this kind of thing, where they’re like “HUDGE PETE SCOOP” and I read the article and it’s just a bunch of shit thrown on the page and me left to connect the dots myself. It seems like a more poorly resourced, amateurish Maddow with a further-left audience.

And I’m done with Peeps like Mayor Pete who wants to bow down to police pressure by trying to sack a black police chief because of white offices prejudices.

Look into the whole story for my reasons.

lol come on dude. I generally like your posting but let’s be real here, you haven’t read the fucking story. If you had you’d have linked the written version, excerpted the damning bits, etc. You posted a Yootoobz because that’s what people always do when they read a headline which they thought sounded plausible and didn’t want to go in depth on it. I flatly refuse to believe that you watched that entire 18 minute video.

Agreed… My head is spinning atm due to Brexit and I’m looking to vent at other stuff, I’ll take the L here and try to calm down and post better…

I won’t delete the posts as that would be runnig away from my issues of grabbing a slight and making it worse without facts.
As you know I don’t usually do that and I’m learning to post/search for better acticles on stuff. My bad here. I’ll take the L.

Thanks for contributing.

I’ll go back and vent at Brexit for the now and take out my frustrations where they are indeed justified. :man_facepalming:


:+1: Good post, honesty appreciated, done similar things myself sometimes, we all have.

For the record I agree that Pete’s handling of the racial issues in South Bend police seems pretty lacklustre from what I know of the story, but that TYT piece just makes my head hurt, which is standard for what I’ve seen of their output.

I agree with the assessment of the TYT video (YouTube zzz) that was wrong of me to post without the proper written back ups.

I guess my bias of Mayor Pete crept in, and for that I’ll take the L here. Alough I have my reasons that I believe are right in that he would not fight the same for every American if he becomes US president I also have not given him a chance after the initial reports of the south bend incidents, probably because of that Video going around of the actual incident is definitely scewing my judgement of Pete.

Also Brexit has screwed with me today and I probably need to zone out for a few hours to calm down.

2 stories has tilted me today…
Here… Labour candidate says she was spiked and raped in 'politically motivated attack' - Mirror Online
And here…

My appoligies to @LikeClockwork as I was not saying FUtoo.

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