Who will run in 2020?

If there is a loophole to be exploited, you can bet that Trump will exploit it to the max whether or not someone like Yang set a precedent for it.

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But how will trump be able to yell “ThAtS sOcIaLiSm”

Warren speech in NY looks pretty lit. She could be a freight train in a month.


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If Warren is pulling away she should have Bernie as VP. He can then be President of the Senate and ram things through with the budget reconciliation process he’s talking about. POTUS can’t end the filibuster.

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She’s been a freight train. When you watch her stump you see it clearly. With five months to go the eye test is significantly more important than poll numbers… because there’s plenty of time to change those.

Obama was behind Clinton by 18 points in December of 2007. Warren is way ahead of where Obama was at this point in 2007 both nationally and in the early states. I genuinely believe she’s a significantly better political candidate than Obama, even though a lot of you are going to scoff at me for saying so.

She’s truly putting on a clinic on how to run for president.

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You know I <3 Bernie, but this is pants-on-head crazy on several levels. can we please have a Dem in the line of succession who isn’t 70+ years old?

Just because I always have to find the grey cloud hidden in the silver lining, has anyone here done any research on how Senate vacancies are filled in VT and MA? Would the R governors get to fill the seats, and, if so, for how long?

They won’t both die at the same time. If Bernie dies she gets to pick another VP.

Wtf with Vermont and Massachusetts having Republican governors?

If I understand his plan, the procedure he anticipates is

  • “Pass” bill with 50 votes with budget reconciliation.
  • Parliamentarian strikes down a bunch of provisions as having nothing to do with the budget or violating the Byrd rule or whatever.
  • VP says “I do what I want” and passes it anyway.

Iirc, budget reconciliation is permissible only once per year. So does he overrule the parliamentarian on that as well? Or do they just pass a super bill that has M4A, GND, free college, etc in one bill? Htf is this gonna work?

Also his position seems incoherent. I would understand taking this line as a last resort if you tried and failed to get Senate Dems to eliminate the filibuster. But Bernie’s line is that he doesn’t want to eliminate the filibuster, and has specifically said things about wanting the minority to retain some power. But how is the minority’s power retained if the VP can zero it out at will by decree? Makes no sense and looks a lot worse than having the Senate simply change its own rules.

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Like, you pick a VP to either shore up your weaknesses or cover a key swing state. Old white socialist guy isn’t what Warren needs on the ticket.

In Vermont: Special election would need to happen within 3 months of the vacancy. Assuming Phil Scott is still governor (probable, but not a slam dunk), I’m guessing he would leave the seat vacant until the special election. Appointing someone who would caucus with Mitch McConnell (even for 3 months) would be career suicide and he would lose in 2022.

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If there’s precedent set??? No, he’s going to do anything and everything he can to win no matter what. The law does not apply to him, and he knows he’s completely unimpeachable thanks to Nancy Pelosi.

I agree Bernie’s position is incoherent with his stances, vision, etc… I think it’s fair to consider the possibility that he is strategically avoiding saying it because he thinks it’s better to wait until you win, give the Senate one chance to function, then nuke it… Or simply because he thinks it’s too much electoral ammo to give Trump to be calling for it before the election.

Regardless, it’s concerning. We’re in a bare knuckle brawl to save this democracy, we need to make sure we’re electing a candidate who will fight.

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Yeah, that’s standard theory, but I don’t think it really holds much water and no one will give a shit unless maybe it’s Bernie and then the famous Bernie-Bros who take their balls and go home might not do that.

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I think Castro is worth a look as VP, with the idea that he’s young and could lead the ticket in 2024/2028. Although he is so doofy-looking, maybe that’s not a great idea.

POTUS can not remove the filibuster, right? Seems like not much of a thing they can even fight about.

Maybe Bernie knows more about how the Senate works than you guys.

I don’t see anything in there about it only being able to be used once a year. I don’t see anything incoherent in there. I don’t see anything in there that says it’s less of putting up a fight than pretending you can abolish the filibuster.

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How can you use this as an attack against Bernie lol. Dude has been fighting longer than some of us have been alive.

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There are a couple older people here who don’t post often, but I may be the oldest reg and that famous picture where he was arrested at the University of Chicago was 4 years before I was born.

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Tulsi taking a page out of Beto’s book.

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