Who will run in 2020?

A recently elected president on the Dem side is going to have the option to spend political capital and draw a line in the sand about the filibuster. If you’re willing to tell Democratic Senators that if they don’t get rid of the filibuster you’re going to auto endorse their next primary opponent most of them will grumble and get in line. The amount of pressure a president of their own party can put on individual legislators is pretty intense.

For proof see the entire Trump presidency and how the GOP politicians have fallen in line like the whiny little bitches they are.

There really isn’t an argument that Democratic Senators can make for keeping the filibuster that makes any sense to anyone. Making it non optional politically is something the president can absolutely do. If the nominee is saying they don’t want to get rid of the filibuster this will for sure not happen and Democratic Senators who want to keep their own personal power to kill legislation in the future will have cover to hide behind.

I’m sorry but if you’re not for killing the filibuster you’re a traitor, and will remain one until you do the right thing for the country. Bernie doesn’t get a pass because he’s really liberal. Nobody gets a pass on this. It’s the single most important thing in the race and should be automatic honestly.

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Ok yeah that’s fair enough I guess. I think I misunderstood your point initially

Re: what POTUS can and can’t do. All that matters is what the courts think. Seriously. POTUS can do as much as he wants and if the courts find a way to say it’s legal, it stands.

This is true of Congress and state governments as well, of course.

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And when pressed, the correct response is… “Of course Mexico isn’t going to pay for it, we all know that just like we knew they were never paying for a wall. I’m going to pay for it the same way he tried to pay for his wall. Thankfully, the Republicans under Trump’s leadership have begun the process of identifying wasteful military spending that can be more effectively used elsewhere. They want to build a big pointless wall, we want to give you free healthcare. We’ll also save some money by closing down the immigrant detention camps along the border.”

When the moderator says “But, the wall was only going to be about 50 billion and Medicare for All would cost 32 trillion,” your response is, “Well we’ve run the numbers and we’ve got them on our website for those interested in the details, but I won’t bore you all… We’ve run the numbers, and his re-allocated military funds are more than enough to cover the cost of transitioning to Medicare for All.”

Website explains how 32 trillion is < current status quo healthcare spending, so actually it’s saving us money and the wall money is just going to cover some of the administrative costs of the transition. Sure, we’re going to get 17 flaming pants on fire OMG his nose is like eight feet long Pinocchios, but we’ll be conveying an honest message and it’s a winning message.

Bonus points for also adding that, since the Republicans are leading the charge on cutting military spending, we’re going to do it in the interest of the American people instead of a silly wall or tax cuts for the rich… So we’re going to cut defense spending by 33%, leaving us still spending twice as much as China… That saves $212 billion a year, and we’re going to get rid of the Trump tax cuts, which will save us another $230 billion a year, and we’re going to give that money back to the American people by splitting it up amongst the 90 million or so taxpayers who AREN’T in the top 1%. That’s about a $5,000 per year tax cut for the average American taxpayer PLUS free healthcare.

When Trump hits you for being soft on defense, you just ignore him, turn to the camera and say, “Would you rather bomb Yemen or have an extra $5,000 a year in your pocket? The American taxpayers are paying for these endless wars. I mean, shoot, most of us probably couldn’t even point to Yemen on a map - much less explain why we’re actually there… and that’s not a knock on the American people, that’s a knock on bombing places halfway around the world for ridiculous proxy wars that do nothing to make the average American safer, happier or better off financially. If you want an extra $5,000 and free healthcare vote for me, if you want to keep bombing Yemen instead, vote for him.”


No worries. I think my initial post was both less clear and more flaming towards Bernie than it should have been. I have my reservations about him as a Pres, but you are right that promising stuff that can’t actually pass is definitely not a thing that only he suffers from.

Can you please run for office?


My decision has officially been made #Warren2020


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Warren is easily the best candidate in the field. I say this as someone who thinks the wealth tax is probably unconstitutional and unenforceable. Not wrong mind you… I say that desperately wishing that I’m wrong.


Perhaps eventually… I haven’t really lived in the same district for more than ~3 years at a time at any point in the last decade, so it’s never been something I could really consider although I have considered trying to get more involved in politics in some way.

Even though she’s not from CA?


Write speeches or help with ads or something. You need to tap into your ability somehow.

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I would absolutely love to do that. It’d be one of the few jobs I’d give up my current career for. But, I don’t really know the path from poker pro → political speechwriter. For now I’m planning to do more volunteering, hopefully make some contacts with campaigns or something, and maybe in the next couple of election cycles I can maneuver my way toward something. That and sometime (soon hopefully) getting the commentary/news side of Unstuck going so that I can put some ideas/content out there that perhaps can go viral and pique someone’s interest.

The thing is, as passionate as I am about this stuff, I am also very passionate about being able to set my own schedule, take lots of time off when I want to, and have the complete freedom that poker provides.

IIRC, Kav’s shady-ass financial situation wasn’t discussed once during his confirmation.

“Stop the infighting” seems to be rhetoric for whenever someone’s personal favorite candidate gets ripped to shreds with legitimate criticisms. Sure I’d love for us all to agree on climate change, gun control, and health care on the left. But I’m never going to use “stop the infighitng” as an excuse against why my preferrred candidate’s position on these topics may be otherwise undefensisibly inferior.


I think this post illustrates a real problem with politics on both sides. The necessary steps on the way to having influence in a campaign require both extraordinary hours and work conditions, but also pay nearly nothing. So as a result you get a bunch of neurotic, independently wealthy people with no real passions or concerns in life besides their beltway work.

Yup, absolutely. We need more people like AOC shaking up the model - and preferably for both centrist and left-wing candidates. There have been some interesting disruptive strategies lately, though, so maybe there’s hope.

No infighting is boring. Knee-jerk diplomacy is what is wrong with Democrats.

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Corn pop is real, and deceased.

Did the answer reference listening to phonographs with Corn Pop, Tobin, and Squi?

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[quote=“ggoreo, post:1949, topic:68, full:true”]Guess which one.

Honestly? I don’t even care. Dems just straight up let Republicans steal a SCOTUS justice without a fight. Every single Dem should have gone full scorched Earth after that but they didn’t. Fuck 'em all. If abortion becomes illegal in the US, none of them or their paymasters will suffer. Republicans fight to win, Democrats fight to uphold civility and social norms, guess which side wins every single battle.