Who will run in 2020?


Worth the 5 mins :joy:


How are you (really the federal government) gonna pay for it is not a gotcha. It’s a good question. Bernie and Liz should answer it with a detailed, honest, and workable plan. What would need to happen is not that scary. You just have to have the balls to make the case. Especially Liz, because she is in the weeds on a bunch of other things, which imo makes it off putting to watch her dodge those questions.

The answer to how you gonna pay for it is literally “fuck off.”



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I’m old enough to remember Republican presidential candidates promising us simultaneous tax cuts and also neverending military adventures in Iraq and not one single member of the press ever asked them how the US would pay for it. Literally Republicans told us wars would pay for themselves and the credulous morons over at the NYTbought it. Like god forbid a Democrat suggest that a workforce with access to basic healthcare would pay for itself, the media is calling you out on that bullshit.

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“How will you pay for the neverending occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan?” --asks no member of the press ever for twenty years. “Fuck off” is the only sensible answer to this shit.

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One of the most transformative policies in American history, trillions in added federal spending per year, but how dare you ask for a detailed plan?! What about the military?!

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So if the administration actually has no power to end the filibuster, but does have the power to do the budget reconciliation thing, how is a candidate planning to end the filibuster a real and better thing?

As a scholar of 90s hip-hop, here’s my plan for how we pay for it: make Jeff Bezos ante up. Motherfucker is lame and his chain’s hollow.


Ante up came out in 2000.



It’s not going to happen because no D president will get anything to happen.

But it should and that’s all that matters.

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The correct answer during the general election is, “Mexico will pay for it.”


How is it any different than literally any other dem policy? Obviously we would need to take the senate and either eliminate the filibuster or use shit like budget reconciliation to pass anything from M4A to like a bill saying we won’t live stream our intelligence briefings to Russia. It’s not like if we have shitty moderate policies that we’ll get GOP support for them.

I disagree with Bernie on the filibuster but “how are you actually going to pass this stuff” is like the most disingenuous attack imaginable.

That’s bullshit dude. The answer to that question is we’ll kill the filibuster with fire. Any other answer means you’re not serious about anything else you’ve said you’ll do.

It would be almost impossible to get Bernie’s ‘plans’ (to say they are light on details is a bit of an understatement) done with moderate democrats, but with the filibuster the chances are actually 0%.

It’s like when someone uses the word but. The two following sentences are basically the same: “I love you but you’re an abusive piece of shit whose physical ugliness is only matched by the soul sucking ugliness on the inside” and “I want to give you M4A, a guaranteed job with a good wage, and insert your dream policy here, but I don’t want to get rid of the filibuster”. Everything before the but is bullshit.

Bernie wants to keep the filibuster because he’s a Senator and the majority of a Senators power comes from the ability to arbitrarily stop stuff they don’t like from happening. Unfortunately there are a hundred of these people. One of my greatest fears is that we win the Senate in 2020 and don’t get rid of the filibuster. If that happens absolutely nothing will change until the next Senate term… and that will have consequences that probably result in the GOP taking the Senate back in 2022.

We’ve seen this movie before. I learned my lesson during the Obama years thanks.

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Pretending Biden doesn’t suck would make it more likely he loses to Trump.


Can POTUS kill the filibuster?

Can the VP force things to be 51 votes with budget reconciliation?

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I mean I literally wrote in the post you replied to that I disagree with Bernie on the filibuster. He wouldn’t control that as president, but his stance obviously would influence how the senate approaches it, and I think he’s wrong on it.

None of that changes the fact that “the legislature will fight back against you” is the lowest form of criticism of a president’s platform.

Not if one candidate has both expressed a willingness to kill the filibuster AND has proposals that might actually pass a D50 or 51 Senate and another candidate is proposing stuff that wouldn’t pass in a D60 world.

I just want someone to paint me a picture of what a Bernie Sanders administration would actually do. And I do think it is a specific critique of Bernie b/c I get the sense that other candidates, whether they acknowledge it or not, have an understanding of what their fall back positions would be (my proposal is this, but I’m ok if I have to settle here), and I just don’t get the feeling that Bernie or the people around him have gamed it out in the same way.