Who will run in 2020?

I think you mean “Nice take!”

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While they are certainly marathons, I really like these long-form town hall things more than the “debates”. This is nice to see, since over four nights of the official debates so far, not one single question has been about LGBT issues.


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I don’t really get what’s so bad about the Williamson text.

Which one are you talking about? The deflect-hurricanes-with-your-mind one was pretty bad.

@Louis: This one Trolly posted. Seems pretty normal, as she clearly knows the mom. Too thin skinned about “weird” for a Pres candidate obv, but doesn’t even register as notable to me in the current climate.

The “young and doesn’t know any better” is a bit condescending. Apart from that it’s not that bad. I don’t even know if Trolly thinks it’s a bad tweet. His “OMFG” can be interpreted in different ways.

As bad as the guy at work who told me trump had it diverted with our weather controls so it would not hit Mar-a-Lago…

I assume that his audience is more libertarian-leaning than right-leaning. Since I despise libertarians, I’m not particularly fond of trying to appeal to that demographic.

This is why some on the left thought Ron Paul wasn’t completely horrible when I thought he was one of the worst Republicans.

it’s not the text itself. it’s the “I’m going to tell on you to your mom” 3rd grade mentality of it.

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I’m going to ask it again, but if Bernie can steal votes from the right, from otherwise non-progressives, by connecting with them by introducing them to progressive ideas, even if they are otherwise terrible people, why is that a bad thing? Doesn’t it make them a little less bad, make progressive ideals a little.more popular, and the odds of ousting trump increase? And why does this reflect poorly on Bernie?

They’re trying to paint Bernie supporters as terrible Joe Rogan loving online incels because they are afraid of revolution.

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Can’t the Dems just game this system a bit by nominating the candidate with most deplorable appeal having already agreed in writing that s/he resigns to make way for the VP asap after winning in 2020, on grounds of “ill-health”?

That would of course be an unenforceable agreement, and would rely on the deplorable candidate keeping their word. It would also piss off a lot of voters. And to top it all off, no democrat is going to be as deplorable as trump and so I’m not sure what votes we’d even be siphoning away.

I’m no expert in US politics but maybe some who regret voting Trump in 16 but can’t bring themselves to vote for Bernie THE GODDAMN COMMIE BASTARD?

Isn’t this basically what we’re doing by nominating Biden?

That’s the best case scenario for Biden wins in '16 for sure.

I don’t like to bet on things I don’t want to happen, but money on Trump is looking good. Biden doesn’t get the same deplorables because open and proud deplorables aren’t the same as deplorables who want to present as liberals.

Biden v Trump polls are just like HRC v Trump polls. The problem is that it’s easier to respond to a poll than it is to vote. Biden hardly gets anyone to vote who wasn’t a lock to vote and to vote Dem. That doesn’t hurt him much in the primaries though.

If Bernie and Liz don’t stop splitting the non-Biden vote very early, we’re doomed.

The problem with that is idiots who thought Trump would wave a magic wand and return the good jerbs are pissed off because that didn’t happen and in the case of farmers Trump managed to make it worse.