Who will run in 2020?

If someone could have just waved a magic wand and brought back the jerbs someone would have done it already. That’s the problem with people making unrealistic policy proposals. 90% of my problems with Warren come from the wealth tax (which won’t get implemented, and if implemented will be a nightmare to enforce), and not being for carbon tax/dividend and nuclear.

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It doesn’t reflect poorly on Bernie. I don’t think anyone said otherwise.

I’m actually a Bernie supporter and enjoy listening to Rogan every once in a while.

I agree. I love Bernie but Grandpa needs to step aside and let Liz take on Trump.

Yeah but not for the Targeted Patriot Farmers, everything is fine for them, I’m told. If there are struggling farmers, they probably just need to Patriot it up a bit.

Trump will get 80% of the farmer vote in 2020.

No way. Trump turned economic anxiety into reality for farmers. There’s probably a healthy amount of self-hating farmers out there, but 80% is too high.

All the polls I’ve seen that ask about second choice show Bernie taking more votes from Biden than Warren.

Best I’m hoping for out of the farmer class is that some of them will be disgusted by Trump and stay home. I don’t expect them to pull a lever for a damn librul.

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Except farmers are the ones taking the biggest hits from Trump, and it isn’t like the Midwest is some place opposed to voting for Democratic candidates in the past.

Meanwhile, with far fewer meat companies to whom to sell their commodity crops, farmers have less leverage to command a price that helps them afford their livelihoods. Farmers now earn just 14.6 cents for every dollar Americans spend on food ― a 17% decline since 2011 and the lowest figure since the federal government began counting in 1993.

I think candidates other than Biden might convince farmers to gtfo the GOP by appealing to their economic interests.

Liz is 70.


Are there really enough farmers for some small level of flipping to the Dem candidate to matter?

Maybe in Iowa and Wisconsin, two of the only four or five states that actually matter in the election because of the electoral college.

Less than a week until the next debate…

I guess we can drink Starbucks again

Most of the farmers are still firmly on the trump train. But the last few months, I think there has been a noticeable erosion of trump enthusiasm among farmers. I don’t expect him to lose much of the farmer vote, but I do think unless something changes with China and his EPA choosing oil over ethanol, he’s going to lose some votes in some pretty important states: Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio.

On his college football gambling podcast he said pretty much every reasonable domain name against him was taken

I bought Mattjonesforsenate.com on godaddy a while ago. Godaddy first domain name is dirt cheap.

So texted Matt Jones tonight saying hey I think I got a great domain if you choose to run.

Not kidding at all, Matt Jones did text back to me “That’s awesome. Thanks”


And it is fucking crazy I’m saying I potentially bought a significant domain against Moscow Mitch. But that is what I’m saying


The right wing loves this BS talking point.


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Buttigeg went on the Breakfast Club again, for all you Mayor Pete heads:

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