Who will run in 2020?

Huge overlap. I say this as someone who at least somewhat dislikes both groups.

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Iā€™m just now hearing about this eyeball thing WHAT THE FUCK EVEN

Why is your default assumption that everyone in/from Texas loves guns? Thatā€™s obviously Hollywoodā€™s assumption. Sorry, but most people who open carry are just assholes.

The venn diagram is a circle

Maybe Iā€™m off, as someone who has literally never listened to Roganā€™s podcast, but I assumed that, given that he runs in similar circles, Roganā€™s audience would be right-leaning like all the Intellectual Dork Web crew. Every fan of Rogan that Iā€™ve met (a tiny sample size) has supported that assumption by saying things like ā€œpolitically, Iā€™m a moderateā€ or ā€œyea, the Republicans have gone right, but those Democrats have also gone way left!ā€

Roganā€™s audience has trended more and more right over time. Rogan continually hosting alt-right losers like Jordan Peterson, et al doesnā€™t help. Not sure what Jmakin is talking about.

Guns are popular with Texans, and so are ā€œred flagā€ laws, says UT/TT Poll





Yeah, thatā€™s not really surprising to me at all. I donā€™t think I had any good friends whose families even owned guns. If they did, they didnā€™t ever talk about it. The ones who talked about it are the exact kinds of people you would expect to talk about it. Those are the same types who love posting their hunting kills on facebook or who donā€™t hold back anything about their political beliefs.

Youā€™d be wrong but nice try!

I think the common thread between (some) Rogan fans and (some) Bernie fans is skepticism about the system and anti-establishment views. For example, I picture Rogan fans nodding along intensely as Bernie criticizes big pharmaceutical companies or Wall Street bailouts or the need to root out corruption. Basically, I think they might agree with Bernie wrt a lot of the problems facing society even as they disagreed with at least some of his proposed solutions.

Itā€™s the same reason why the ā€œSanders in the primary, Trump in the general election voter existed in 2016.ā€ They were so mad at/ disillusioned by the current system that they wanted an outsider who was going to break it.


Williamson is a lunatic

lol, i came here to post this thread. This is some Trump-level narcissism wrapped up in an antiscientific woo-woo bow.

Conor Roy is a Rogan fan, guaranteed.


Not that Iā€™m defending either of them, but watch the response to this Kamala ā€œgaffeā€ as compared to the response to Bidenā€™s many similar ā€œgaffesā€.

Iā€™d be willing to bet a lot of $$ that the media will find this one thing to be enough to sink her candidacy altogether, and they will harp on this for weeksā€¦whereas Joeā€™s fake military story is already gone.

We shall see, but the implicit sexism is strong in this country.

I am not a Kamala voter and I donā€™t even particularly like her, but I canā€™t wait to see how this plays out (as in, Iā€™m anticipating it to go down the normal sexist way, which sucks)


Did you mean to exclaim that?

10% of Bernie supporters voted for Trump in the general. I guarantee a percentage greater than zero of those voters are also Rogan fans.

Ah so at least one Bernie supporter is a Rogan fan.

Nice take.