Who will run in 2020?

What an amazing coincidence that Team Pete HQ (PeteForAmerica) just happened to be on the same subway as him and got a pic where he looks so natural and totally not at all in a staged photo.


haha of course itā€™s not a coincidence. Nowhere do I imply that it is. Though, he definitely isnā€™t surrounded by the press gaggle he usually is. looks like they cleared a few people out of the car, too. Though iā€™ll admit I donā€™t know shit about the traffic levels on whatever train this is.

You donā€™t, but they do. (SPOTTED)

How the fuck are Bidenā€™s polling numbers so consistently strong? Does no one else notice that he looks like a befuddled old man whenever heā€™s onstage?


You didnā€™t.


Edit: My pony was spotted on the subway.

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Weā€™re the only ones paying attention yet. I hope. I certainly hope thatā€™s the case.

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seriously, the electric car thing again? Anderson Cooper, you know nothing about electric cars. Slower and less powerful? Iā€™ll take your muscle car on in my Tesla any day and prove to you that electric cars are not weaker than ICE cars.


Also everyone could just stop using their car as a dick measuring contest


Nobody is going to notice that shit until after Labor Day next year.


ā€œyou know whatā€™s expensive? total obliteration of all species on earth from an asteroid strike. my asteroid protection plan is so huge it proves i have the biggest dick in this race, and if america elects a democratic majority next november, we can implement it and prove that americans have the biggest dicks in the solar system. thatā€™s what they mean when they say ā€˜big dick energyā€™.ā€ - marianne williamson

Well that is pretty terrifying.

wut car u drive bro?


On the one hand, that is terrifying, on the other, structurally, it canā€™t be any other number so you canā€™t be too worried about it.

Plot twist, itā€™s the Dem nominee that wants to skip all the 2020 debates

Probably the same reason that BEATS BY DRE are the top-selling headphones.


I was working tonight and didnā€™t watch any of thisā€¦ But while those are shitty frames, the answer is easyā€¦ Maybe somebody got it (seems to me like Pete might be the type to get this one), but itā€™s some version of:

Well [moderator name] thatā€™s one way to look at it, but itā€™s the selfish way. As JFK famously said, ā€œAsk not, etc.ā€ You talk about being FORCED to give up straws? Well how about being FORCED to cling to your roof for dear life for hours while winds up to 220 mph swirl around you and the raging sea of a Category 5 hurricane pummels your home beneath you? Thank God Floridians did not suffer that fate this week, and Iā€™d encourage everyone to donate to charities helping The Bahamas right now, but itā€™s beyond time to get serious about doing our part to make sure that the minimal number of people have to suffer that way in the future - whether theyā€™re in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, the Carolinas, Puerto Rico or anywhere else in this country or around the world. People are literally dying as we speak from catastrophic storms made worse by climate change, and you want to complain about straws??? People are losing loved ones in the Bahamas right now, and you want to complain about being forced to give up plastic bags??? As Beto might say, ā€œThatā€™s fucked up, [moderator name].ā€

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The Wisconsin poll is frightening on the surface, but one way to read it is that Bidenā€™s ceiling is 51% because he has near universal name recognition and his reputation > current Joe Biden. Likewise Trump is probably capped at the 45% he gets against the Dems who arenā€™t as well known.

So Trump is capped at 45, Dems have a floor around 44. Trumpā€™s range is probably 40-45, Dems are probably 44-51 with 9-11% undecided/confused/wtf.

That said, Trump has some tricks up his sleeve that scare me - some even legal (cutting a trade deal with China to boost the markets/economy before the electuon.).

But I remain more worried about having free and fair elections than I am about Dems winning Wisconsin in free and fair elections.

Iā€™d also be curious to see what a generic Dem does against Trump in WI. Iā€™m guessing closer to Biden numbers than Harris numbers. Iā€™m also guessing the current generic Dem polling would be more indicative of Harrisā€™ general election performance there should she be the nominee than current polling with her name.

I think Betos recently going hard in the paint is mostly a hailmary because heā€™s so far behind with nothing to lose. He also seems to shine on these type of issues, as his viral video on football players kneeling is what launched him in the first place.

That said it seems like a bad play. He still has zero chance of becoming president, and this basically kills any chance he has of ever becoming a senator in Texas in the future if/when Texas goes starts to become more purple than red.

A young popular dem turning Texas blue in 10ish years would likely be the knife in the heart of the modern day GOP, he could have been that guy.

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Had a guy I play volleyball with, a self-described ā€œmoderate,ā€ telling me yesterday how much he likes Bernie after hearing him on Rogan. Even said something like ā€œI thought he was just this shouty old man but he was completely different when listening to him on a podcast.ā€ Great sign imoā€“hopefully more Rogan Bros think that way.


I bet there is a big overlap of ā€œRoganbrosā€ and ā€œBernieBrosā€.