Who will run in 2020?

Can we just declare war on climate change?


To be honest, Trump is setting precedent for diverting defense funds for whatever the fuck we want in the future with his stupid wall. Hopefully the next Dem will divert funds and use them to tear it down.

That being said, putting the defense dept. in charge would probably look more like what Eisenhower and his congress did with the interstate system than declaring wars and bombing stuff (though I do love the simplistic view of the DoD’s purview espoused here, it’s quite funny)

Hard to see the US Government doing stuff the same way it was done when Eisenhower was POTUS these days. Maybe if we get another New Dealer in the White House and support in Congress.

Yang just crushed the climate town hall.

I turned on the climate town hall and first question I see to Kamala is from a dude who has some medical condition that prevents him from sweating - the question was basically “July was really hot, and that was dangerous for me - how are you going to battle climate change with an eye towards helping marginalized communities like mine”

Wtf am I watching

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“try panting. dogs have had great success with it. look at india, it’s hot as hell and they’ve got more dogs than they know what to do with”


you’re watching a personality test, basically. I mean, most of them are going to say very similar things because despite all the manufactured infighting for ratings, these people pretty much agree on 80% or more of their platforms.

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I’m getting pissed at the framing from the moderators. It’s all “but what will we have to give up? will we be FORCED to drive electric cars? Why do we have to give up straws? Will we have to give up plastic bags? what is the plan going to FORCE people to do?” ARGH, that shit is EXACTLY why nothing gets done in this country anymore.

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Biden cannot string a sentence together.

yeah, I can hardly watch it right now.

I just tuned in… To a question to Joe. About his high fundraiser with the Fossel fuel industry exc like Andrew Goldman.

That Cooper is now telling JB that he IS A GASMAN.

Joe trying to explain that his fundraising is open to everyone :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

maybe I’m a sentimental old lady, but I actually feel bad for Biden. Even though he’s 10000 times more intelligent than Trump, I hear similar speech patterns and trouble completing coherent thoughts. I’m sure there’s cognitive decline going on, which makes me sad because yeah, i still remember the Obama years with fondness, and he’s a big part of that.

I want him to go home and retire in peace and have a wonderful late life.


f me I thought that was the WI poll, too lazy to fix, sentiment the same :) :grinning:

in other words despite a bunch of people in this thread still on the trump has lost support train–none of these polls in the actual places of the country it matters have stated that’s true. Harris isn’t gonna win but Warren even isn’t good.

Also the point where it doesn’t f’ing matter also true, Romney led O by a point at about this juncture prior to that election.

538 had an article a day or two ago sorry I don’t have the link offhand but I remember
Mondale was a point off Reagan–got destroyed obviously. George HW Bush had Clinton beaten by a lot, he lost obviously.

How dare WE give up our straws just so future generations can live. HOW DARE YOU MAKE US SACRIFICE.

they’re all narcissists, welcome to america.

Biden is so bad.

I feel like that was just 40 minutes of Biden telling me “we have to do something!!!” and not much else.

The worst I saw was Biden ducking out of a question saying he took too much time.

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reducing carbon footprints:
