Who will run in 2020?

Imagine what people say about your parents because of your views, or what people must have thought of the Keatons because of Alex.

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Pre-Nick Mallory >>>>>> * Keaton

A friend of mine named his daughter after Mallory.





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that is…odd

I keep telling you guys Utah is very different from other red states. They like Booker because he’s young and handsome and well-dressed and very polite.

But for some reason they hate O’Rourke.

I’ve heard this a lot. Let me know when they actually go blue for a senate seat or in the electoral college.

Beto isn’t well-dressed at all. He sometimes takes his jacket and tie off or even rolls up his shirt sleeves like a slob. This is scandalous shit for residents of Salt Lake City; they’re never voting for anyone who steps out without a tie.

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It’s hard to explain a place like Utah, and I’m not great at articulating what’s going on, but the best way I can explain this that it’s extremely easy to imagine Corey Booker dipping his fries into fry sauce. Beto is dipping his fries into some hipster organic salsa shit, Booker is the only candidate who can hang with fry sauce.

Vegan fry sauce, tho…

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The Washington Examiner (lol) has a headline on msn right now about Tulsi Gabbard. It is:

Gabbard on Dropping Out in 2020: ‘Hell, no!’

No way I’d ever read that article obviously.

The Keatons were neoliberal shills who worked for the CIA-funded state propaganda NPR.

What kind of a loser polls at 0-1% for like a year and then goes on tour whining about how unfair the DNC is for not putting her on the debate stage a 3rd time? I mean seriously gtfo.


He swears too much probably.

And I see the ability to change her mind about something as core to her identity as which tribe to belong to as being a massive positive. It means she’s a real intellect. One of the biggest tells that someone is really smart is their ability to adjust to finding out that they are wrong about something. The bigger the something the better a sign it is.

Warren has literally been the biggest hero to the working class we’ve seen from politicians as a group of the last 20 years. The CFPB was a hair away from killing the payday loan industry when Trump got elected. That would have been a HUGE win for the poor people they prey on.

She got more done for our side since she turned 50 than Bernie has gotten done in his whole career. And in a period when nobody else got anything done at all.

It was pointed out on Chapo that Warren rather oddly does not have any healthcare policy on her campaign website at all. See for yourself. The only time healthcare is mentioned is under “Rebuild the Middle Class”, where it says:

That includes an Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions that can be used to build an economy that works for everyone, including universal childcare, student loan debt relief, and down payments on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All.

What is a “down payment on Medicare for All”?

I still like Warren, but it is a little worrying, honestly.