Who will run in 2020?

batair/nobody is a lower class hero

literally the next post and i still found a way to grunch

Let me be clear: that take was glowing.


God damn Tim Robbinsā€™ mom is annoying af


The anti-war people deserve a better standard bearer than Tulsi. As a country we really need to get out of the military intervention business, and I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to be possible with our current military. Itā€™s just too easy to ā€˜solve problemsā€™ in foreign countries with military force.

Soledad might be my #1 twitter follow. She never misses.


Part of the reason people like Tulsi and the Paul family get so much traction is that the Dems gave up completely on being any kind of anti-war party and embraced nearly all of Wā€™s post-9/11 War on Terror garbage. Thereā€™s an enormous need for an anti-militarism voice and only the loony tunes politicians are going after it because establishment Dems are the most incompetent political party in world history.

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Kerry, Edwards Lead Bush by Double Digits Among Likely Voters


This one is complicity rather than incompetence.


GJGE Joe. They might have a slot available for you at 11pm ET on MSNBC soon.


Iā€™m not one to bash people on age, and some really old people are still sharp as hell, but it looks like about an 75% the next POTUS will be showing very clear signs of dementia before the election.

Every single one of these candidates is trash. Warren the least so, Biden the most so. #sorrynotsorry

As long as you end up voting voting for one of them thatā€™s a completely acceptable line to take.

And everyone said my completely opposite take was hot.

Iā€™ve seen some thin attacks in my lifeā€¦ this is one of the thinnest.

How about you follow your candidates line and leave his extremely good friend Elizabeth alone? The standard youā€™re using eliminates virtually everyone who has conventionally successful family members.

And it makes no sense with Warrenā€™s line either. Sheā€™s literally running on ruining the health insurance industry.

Bottom line though is that your post is terrible and you should delete it if you want to be taken seriously by anyone on this forum. If you want to attack Warren thatā€™s fine, but do a better job of it.

Let me help you. Elizabeth Warren completely botched the Native American ancestry thing and could theoretically choke in a similarly large way vs Trump. Sheā€™s also a woman and do we really want to roll the dice on American NOT being sexist after 2016 (I realize this point is sexist and stupidā€¦ still less stupid than Victors). Elizabeth Warren looks and sounds like a school teacher and wonā€™t be as entertaining to watch as Donald so the media might throw it to him again (also a dumb take but still better IMO).

Thereā€™s lots and lots of better lines. Be better.


Imagine thinking takes straight from Chapo or wayofthebern have any merit and worth repeating.
Only hapless idiots, shills and trolls care.

That Warren attack isnā€™t even accurate from what I can find. The company her daughter co-founded isnā€™t an insurance company, itā€™s a network for healthcare discounts.

This is it, I believe (security warning for bad certificate, safe to ignore imo):


Lol victor pretty much covers it here folks

There are no amazing candidates. The voting is rigged, the courts are rigged, the funding is rigged. How many candidates will push these recently-discovered awesome powers of the presidency to kill the cancer? None of them. Youā€™d need a complete psycho.