Who will run in 2020?

Sixth? Sixth??? You know there are still like 20+ people running, right? He should be bottom five.

I am definitely not.

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i’m like 99% fine with biden winning. i really do believe if dems take house and senate they have a chance at manipulating trump into doing something good for the country, and i guess that’s the 1% because don’t be crazy of course biden would be better than trump get your head out of your ass

Biden winning could arguably be worse than Trump winning long term for keeping any sort of momentum for the progressive movement. Unless AOC primaries him in 2024. But I guess if Trump wins it’s not a sure thing that progressives can take the white house because here we are with Biden topping the polls, it’s like we’re doomed to repeat the same mistake from four years ago

If Trump wins, there won’t another progressive thing that happens in this country for a long time that matters. Take that to the bank. Biden will be unquestionably better than Trump, don’t get it twisted.


If Trump wins, plan on any semblance of democracy being dead in America until there’s a violent uprising to restore it… If we escape 8 years of Trump without descending into a fascist state with single party rule, we ran super good in the second four years. I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not he’d go for a third term in that scenario, I think it’s a question of whether anyone would be able to stop him.

So any debate over Biden vs Trump is hilariously silly. Now, we could argue that Biden may lead to another horrible far-right president who ends democracy, but at least it buys us four years of demographic change to fight it.

South Carolina, right?

Nope national, it’s HarrisX tho

It’s the person who comes after Biden that concerns me, I can’t imagine something worse than Trump but it feels possible at least. But yeah agree on the fact that at least we have four years to fight back, however miserably awful it will be with Biden at the helm.

Also yeah wasn’t thinking about the Supreme Court. I sorta doubt RBG wants to serve four more years and her health is starting to be in the news a lot.

That’s amazeballs rudimentary art. Kudos.

His name is Josh Hawley, and that’s the guy you need to be concerned about. If you don’t think he can win in the future, we’re safe. If not, we could have a smart QAnon follower who would prefer to get his news from the internet.

I fear Tom Cotton most

My litmus test for taking people seriously is Tom Cotton. Tom Cotton was the guy to fear pre-Trump. The bus passed him, and they’re going loud until they’re beaten into submission. He was the loud parts quiet guy, but the GOP wants it all loud all the time. He has no chance of being president in the current climate.

No no, look again, he has adjusted, he’s quite the goose stepper these days, co-sponsor of the RAISE Act, all in on Greenland, etc. If anything stops him (beyond a charisma deficit) it’s that he may be too hawkish.

jerry falwell jr is the one too look out for in 2024

The real maniac will always be a bigger maniac than the learning maniac. I don’t buy he’s able to replicate Trump, but I for sure believe Hawley is. If you’re looking for the Veep allegory to Cotton it’s that guy who was temporarily with Amy who was the governor of Nevada. That was supposed to be his doppelganger in looks and personality, doubt he had the brains of Cotton, but sometimes people get passed by. That character thought he had a legit chance at the beginning, but he was practically off the debate stage by the end.

He was a legit future threat in 2012 or whenever he became noticeable, but I just can’t see it anymore with the way the GOP’s gone.

President MyBoss the undisputed GOAToat

I think the real issue is that the ratio of people over 65 to people under 65 in this country is going to keep rising for the next 20-30 years. This basically guarantees that some things are going to cost way more, we’ll see lots of shortages for some necessities, and government spending will balloon. We have no plan to deal with these things, and we know that a full third of the country is fine with us going full fascist. Like, I’m not even sure a Bernie win plus a senate supermajority would get us to a spot where we could deal with it. If you’re under like 50 or so, you should probably be looking at other countries to ride this out in.

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