Who will run in 2020?

In the debates she was pretty clear that she was for blowing up private health insurance not some lukewarm ‘public option’ BS that leaves the existing system intact.

Healthcare is one of those things where I don’t really take any of the candidates plans seriously… because realistically it’s going to be about what we can get through the Senate. There’s no chance we actually get rid of private insurance immediately unfortunately. A public option sure, but there are way too many ‘moderate’ Dems who have been bought by the healthcare industry to actually reform the system into something sane in one fell swoop.

We for sure need a robust public option… because over time that’s going to ruin the health insurance business.

I know when I picture a really smart person, I picture an American swing voter.

She was in her late 40s and still identified as a Republican. Like, Warren is clearly a smart person and I don’t agree with people who claim she is lying about her current policy preferences. But being a law professor during the entirety of the Reagan administration and still coming out the other end as a Republican is not the ringing endorsement of someone’s intellect that you’re trying to frame it as.

How you can look at her history more favorably than Bernie’s, when he was a civil rights protestor and has been on the right side of nearly every issue for the last 50 years is completely beyond me - regardless of whether you have other practical considerations that make you prefer Warren this time around.


People change. Think of who you were 20+ years ago and who you are today?

I get the point and Bernie definitely passes the purity test with flying colors but the reason people are latching on to Warren is pretty simple. She is for almost the same stuff as Bernie and she seems to know how to play the game. Bernie hasn’t shown he can build much of a coalition this time around. His support is almost entirely what is left of his 2016 support. Warren on the other hand has been trending up pretty much the whole campaign and has undoubtedly rallied new voters to her side this cycle.

I think she is flawed but I am supporting her because of how impressive her campaign has been the last 6 months. Not to mention she is for a similar platform that I want and she is a fighter. Frankly i would be beyond thrilled to pull the lever for her or Bernie in 14 months. They are both head and shoulders above the field in my mind.

I’m not doing the whole Bernie debate again. You guys know where I stand on him. Nobody has really refuted any of my points about him. I disagree with him about a few policy points big enough to be disqualifying, and also find his track record to be pretty lousy wrt being able to change his mind. He’s an idealist and I sincerely despise idealists.

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Lol what points? You mean where you say “he hasn’t changed his mind on anything, except where other people also changed their mind, which doesn’t count”?

If only he had sprinkled in a few decades of faith in trickle down economics, then we’d know he was a true intellect.


I feel like we could all stipulate to Bernie being more pure. So what. Elections aren’t purity contests. Far from it.

I see a lot of whining from the Bernie crew about Warren. And to me it seems that it is because she has done what Bernie should have done and actually made his lane marketable to more than a hardcore demo.

A desire for purity is what had Bernie Bros voting for Jill Stein or not voting and a small part of what gave us Trump. If the Warren/Sanders camps don’t get behind the other one when one inevitably drops out then it will be beyond frustrating.


His faith in price controls is proof that he’s no intellect unfortunately. That shit is purely destructive and is literally the poison that caused the word ‘liberal’ to turn pejorative for an entire generation.

He also continued to support Chavez (and Maduro lolwtfever) long after that whole situation had gotten super uncomfortable and dystopian.

Look I’m not going to change your mind and you’re not going to change mine. I just see the dumb shit he’s for as dumb and you don’t. I think holding obviously incorrect (like every remotely credible person in economics including the most liberal out there thinks it’s incorrect) ideas about stuff that really matters is a problem.

Nobody smart was ever for trickle down economics. It’s always looked dumb. Giving a bunch of money to people with a marginal propensity to save of way north of 50% who are passing on 0% of viable investment opportunities with their current capital supply is idiocy. That’s why HW Bush called it ‘voodoo economics’. Because he wasn’t an idiot.

Price controls are at least as stupid as supply side economics. Maybe stupider. They can literally only be justified in super specific situations that straight up break capitalism. I could go into detail about what those situations are and why they are that way, but you don’t care about how stuff works in the real world. You want someone to tell you that if we all believed hard enough we’d live on sugar candy mountain.

I want stuff to happen in real life. Sue me.



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The toxicity is real. I am not convinced it’s caused by Sanders himself, I’ve seen no evidence it is, but a ton of truly toxic people are drawn to Sanders. Jimmy Dore types.

I just feel someone is Messing with these Bernie Bro hottake…

Agree on your take on JD as I used to watch him, then the Russia stuff put me right off him and then Tulsi.

I believe JD&Co do help in informing peeps about the Fake progressive Dems as that seems to be their strong points.
The whole russia/Tulsi stuff sickened me tbh.

Guys I’m as confused as anyone by this. But Beto has been killing it lately. His gun quotes are by far the best and most forceful of any candidate.

I think he’s setting up a run for Governor if he’s this adamant he doesn’t want to be in the Senate.

Beto would be a sitting senator right now if he won the election against Cruz and now he is saying he doesn’t even want to be in the senate?! That just doesn’t sit right with me.


Cornyn will be a lot harder to beat than Cruz. He has his limits for humiliation apparently.

Also, Veronica Escobar is milling a run for Senate against Cornyn. That’s his old seat. If she announces, he might try to go back to his old seat. Sounds counterintuitive, but Beto does a lot of that kind of stuff.

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isn’t it nice the senate is very important and a lot of dems when asked “lol no”.

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My god texas might have the WOAT combo.

McConnell/Paul is pretty bad, but JFC.

Nice system we have here. Absolutely nobody likes Ted Cruz. Guarantee his wife hates him. Yet here we are, he’s a top 100 powerful politician.

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There are currently three high profile people in their states who have tried to rule out running for Senate (two lukewarm, and Beto was firm).

Stacey Abrams (GA)
Steve Bullock (MT)
Beto O’Rourke (TX)

That Montana seat should be a priority because Daines is an absolute dreg. Anyone from GA know any high profile people who could compete for either or both Senate seats? I still think Stacey should run for the 2020 special election, because her arc can remain intact to be Governor in 2022 if she desires, and she can do a lot of good in that seat in the meantime.

No. Kentucky wins this easily.

yeah I mean come on man, my fucking state owns this fucking title.

At least Matt Jones launched an exploratory committee in the last week.

Amy McGrath is the typical loser candidate Schumer courts. Jones is a longshot, but at least it is a shot. I’ve been all in on Jones against Mitch for years now.

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Is he the football player or someone else?