Who will run in 2020?

They must have because like You, I never watch CNN and NW & CT were speaking of Antifa… I’ll say that NW was fairer and didn’t push the there all bad aspects… CT well you know him lol.

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Have you been there? They talk more pro-Tulsi than pro-Bernie and more anti-Everyone else than pro-anybody. It’s straight up toxic

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So your proof of the “general consensus” consists of a single downvoted poster and a meme.

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Gillibrand is out…

Bye Gilly

Franken sends his regards.


Getting antifa news cycles is the whole point. You have to give the rubes in the majority something to fear if you want them to support authoritarian crackdowns on dissent. Via the magic of propaganda - one punch is somehow worse than El Paso. JV is spewing it all over the old forum.

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My best friend growing up thought Antifa was this huge threat in the run up to the 2018 midterms. I told him flat out that he only needs to worry about that if the GOP won the House in 2018. They didn’t, and here we are with more of the MS-13 type propaganda that scares the olds TO DEATH.

Antifa isn’t a group. It’s an ideology all of you should be part of.


Anti-fascism is part of the ideology we should all support, but Antifa is the movement. I can be very anti-fascist while not being part of any group involved in that movement.

All the bad faith trolls on the new 22 politics forum just fainted in unison and reported you to authorities.

lol, someone should troll them with ‘are you pro-fascist?’

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Can we label them “profa” for short?


Profasores (Pro-fascist Sore Losers)

The business model FNC pioneered was low information entertainment content that blatantly panders to its audience masquerading as news. There’s no question MSNBC and CNN are doing slightly more truthful versions… but ultimately it’s still reality TV not news and that’s the FNC model. I genuinely think the only reason why they are truthier than FNC is because their audience’s views align better with the facts than the FNC zombies.

When I said ‘media share’ I meant that FNC is often the only source of news for a lot of its viewers and most people who watch CNN/MSNBC have way more than one media source. Except my MIL who only watches CNN and is living breathing proof that it’s substantively the same as Fox in terms of impact on its most devoted fans.

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missed opportunity to not sip a whiskey at the end

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Man, this is just not true. I don’t know about CNN, but MSNBC absolutely does not report fake stories as propaganda to try to brainwash people or whatever you think is going on. My only exposure to Fox News has been at car dealerships getting service. During one of these (maybe in 2012), I actually sat there and analyzed it for an hour because I wanted to get a bead on it.

The insult people used to use was ‘Faux News’, and that is exactly what it is. They do an excellent job of packaging bullshit inside of what looks legitimate and is often legitimate news. So, what I noticed was that you would get 3 or 4 relatively straight stories with either no bent or slight bent, and then the 4th one would be straight up bonkers obviously bullshit QAnon type crap that would be told straight like the others. What they would do is package up 1 or 2 stories per hour that were straight crazy like they weren’t, and they got away with it with their viewers because it looked legit (unlike Alex Jones or whatever).

Then as time went on I’m guessing that the 1 out of 5 model changed to 2 out of 5, 3 out of 5, and then 4 out of 5. There’s no way what Fox News is reporting as news is 100 percent bullshit, but it’s now what the bullshit once was, a single real story in the midst of whatever other bullshit they’re doing.

My point is that it’s a ‘news’ channel that plays on the idea that people don’t actually sit and watch what they’re consuming closely. And if they hit it right, the viewer latches on the massively political bullshit they’re feeding because they can’t tell the difference from the real news. That’s the Sinclair model, FYI.

Right now Fox News is largely a propaganda channel aimed at one person. There’s no way you can say that about CNN and MSNBC, no matter how much you want that to be true.

This whole discussion belongs in the cable news thread but I’ll say it’s very often the case, especially with FNC, it is what they report that indicates bias rather than the manner in which they report it. I suppose the same could be said with MSNBC, in fairness.

Politicians and pundits say stupid shit all the time, but extending one dumb comment or whatever into an hour-long panel of handwringing is how you turn it into “news” when otherwise it wouldn’t be…even if the “reporting” is in and of itself factual. Fox has mastered this art.

Yeah, you nailed it. It’s what’s covered and not covered. Both channels cover things the other never will, and both willfully under report (or over report) stories they should be reporting because they don’t want to scare the public or rile them up (or they want to scare the public and rile them up).

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