Who will run in 2020?

A Democrat doesn’t have an in-house propaganda network pretending to be a news organization that most of the D base believes over all other sources of media.

There is no D-equivalent to the daily meat-tenderizer pounding FNC’s viewers go through.

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I would argue that MSNBC and CNN have both basically ripped off FNC’s business model… but you’re right that they have nowhere near the media share of their audience that FNC has of theirs. It’s the daily meat tenderizer pounding that brain washes them. People who watch 20+ hours a week of MSNBC and CNN are just as brainwashed, but there are nowhere near as many of them.

Na, she grew up poorish in OK and her bros joined the military. She has a good sense for conservatives. That is, conservatives who believe in cops and the flag and know that Wall Street is out to screw them, not think tank or grifter conservatives.

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There is a whole lot of wrong in this post.

Definitely don’t conflate MSNBC and CNN. CNN is doing piss poor work across the board right now.

CNN, if any have, is trying to both sides everything. They aren’t copying anyone’s model. They’re trying to create a model that appeals to both sides, which basically turns off both sides.

MSNBC is trying to give conservative viewers a legit place to consume their viewpoints in a manner that doesn’t reach propaganda levels. They like to think they’re bringing in ‘sense talking’ conservatives. That’s why they fired van Susteren so fast, when they realized she was trying to bring them Fox News and the viewers had no interest in that. This is a failing model, and why Rachel and Lawrence continue to be the leaders in the clubhouse on ratings. Chris Hayes platforms dregs of humanity, which makes his show hard to watch often. MSNBC would do well to see why viewers connect with Rachel and Lawrence and try to pull that across the rest of their channel’s opinion shows instead of trying to pander for viewers they’re never really gonna get.

Even back when I used to consume cable news, I never ever watched CNN, which was the equivalent of trying to do the Today Show, in my opinion. It was always just Headline News for me, the equivalent of the original MTV related to news. I don’t know when it happened, but it seems that Headline News morphed into the CNN Today Show at some point, and it’s just not a news network anymore.

What I want as a viewer is straight news, no propaganda, and no anchors giving their opinions or stilted questions. I’ve said it numerous times on here, I want my news to be news and opinions to be presented exactly that way. When you blend them, you have SINCLAIR.

You’re wrong about Fox News’s media share. When you combine MSNBC and CNN’s ratings, they’re higher overall than Fox’s. And almost all of the three channels are dominated by audiences over 55.

Saying people who watch MSNBC a lot are brainwashed is just pure nonsense, man. I can’t speak to CNN, but I know I can’t stand watching it for more than 5 minutes at a time, so you might be right there.

we got him

Greta was to MSNBC’s nightly lineup what The Cleveland Show was to Fox’s Sunday lineup. She’s unlikeable and unwatchable, hell even die-hard Fox News viewers reached for their remotes once her hour rolled around.

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Harris and Buttigieg also beat him handily in that poll.

FoxNews.com ran at least one Benghazi story on the front page for two years. There is no MSM or liberal media equivalent of that.

It would be like if CNN completely ignored Hillary’s emails and ran anti-Trump stories the whole time.

Furthermore the left/center base is fractured among a ton of news sources that call each other out all the time and constantly navel-gaze about meaningless red herrings like antifa.

The right base rarely consumes anything outside the bubble. And right-wing media never navel gazes except maybe one offhand Shep Smith comment, or a WSJ “let’s pump the brakes on the overt racism for a bit” editorial.

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What media talks about Antifa besides Fox News? I’m genuinely curious about this, especially any legit media sources.

2+2 Publishing


Pretty much always gonna push the heart thing for ms paints.

Antifa is the favorite bugaboo of pseudo-intellectual right wings magazines and bloggers. As far as I can tell it consists of like 17 dudes in Portland.

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It’s the Snipping Tool, if you use win 10 type snipping in the search prompt, you can rectangle select anything off your screen, then scribble on it with 3 color pens, copy and ctrl+v into the reply box here. It’s so easy it feels like it’s from the 23rd century. I’ll try not to abuse it though.


I’m a big fan of the snipping tool, but I’ve never done free draw on it, just the occasional square.

CNN spent a ton of press on antifa after Ngo got punched.

So dumb, so pointless. Next they’ll be reporting on hippie groups taking over high schools or something. Antifa’s so low influence to the world we live in, I can’t believe they get any news cycles at all. Wikipedia says nothing about how many people are in the group in the cursory look I gave it. Any ideas how many?

Both MSNBC & CNN have pushed the Anti Antifa articles along with the BBC & CH4 in the UK.

NBC articles but most hosts have spoken about antifa. And not always in good light to say the least.

I have never seen a report focusing on them on my MSNBC watching outside of maybe what happened in Charlottesville.