Who will run in 2020?


Legit lolled at “not racist enough” and “golf” as weaknesses

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outcome’s been decided boys


You love to see it

Holy shit, a 7 hour live event on climate.

Who will be there:

  • JuliĂĄn Castro - 5:00 PM
  • Andrew Yang - 5:40 PM
  • Kamala Harris - 6:20 PM
  • Amy Klobuchar - 7:00 PM
  • Joe Biden - 8:00 PM
  • Bernie Sanders - 8:40 PM
  • Elizabeth Warren - 9:20 PM
  • Pete Buttigieg - 10:00 PM
  • Beto O’Rourke - 10:40 PM
  • Cory Booker - 11:20 PM

Next we need a 7 hour one for Medicare for all!

I honestly hope they bring Inslee in as a moderator or questioner

I feel like so many of them are going to be saying the same things. I understand that climate change is possibly the biggest, most important issue of our time, but I actually kind of understand why the DNC nixed a climate debate. What’s there to debate among Dems, really? Little details, maybe, but then it will get so wonky and into the weeds and the regular mouthbreather CNN audience will tune out around Klobuchar’s time.

Realistically, the only parts of the platform that these candidates have different ideas on are health care and maybe economic issues.

It’s why the ridiculous “but my candidate said it first” arguments on twitter, etc are pointless.


I think Warren’s big hidden strength is being able to “speak conservative”. While her poll numbers right now are better with the cliche liberal types and Bernie Sanders has better numbers with working class people, I think this has got a lot to do with name recognition. Educated voters are most likely far overrepresented in the number of people paying close attention this early in the cycle.
Warren seems good at waging clas warfare on Trump without it alienating “folksy” people, whereas Bernie Sanders seems to have a more class-conscious effect which polarizes more, which is generally good, but also will alienate some voters.
They both have “charisma”, it just works in different ways. I don’t know enough about the other candidates, so I can’t tell if there are hidden charsima giants among them. I am only sure it’s not Yang. I listened to him for five minutes being interviewed on the Freakonomics podcast and immediately thought: “No, thanks. too much pseudo-leftish technocratic bs.” It’s exactly the thing that appeals to Stephen Dubner and it is interesting to discuss, but the only thing I thought about Yang’s persona while listening to him was “annoying”.


These are the kinds of polls I like to see.


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And Biden is decidedly not dead. +18 and +13 in the primary in the 2 polls out this morning.

She doesn’t speak conservative. She speaks business. People act like the two are the same thing when it really isn’t. And it’s why people like her ended up in the GOP with some belief it was the market party.

She’s from Oklahoma. It’s safe to say she speaks conservative and business. The business came from being a leading expert on bankruptcy and a HLS prof of every subject that involved money.

Nah. Conservative speak is now just histrionic mumbo jumbo that has flown the coop. Whether I agree with it or not, Milton Friedman had some form of logic when he gave speeches about capitalism. The conservatives of today have went fully against his beliefs. Such as the trade war crap. They operate without principles.

She speaks business because at some level the more astute business person understands you have to act rationally or soundly. And Warren is capable of making arguments on that level.

I think you are referring to Republicans, not conservatives. Most conservatives don’t believe in trade wars.

They’re the same thing these days. Conservatives aren’t the old stodgy guys by-the-economic-text-book guys these days. They’re nationalist fucks like Trump (Hannity, Carlson, etc). And those old stodgy guys have since jumped the GOP ship like George Will.

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“Conservatives” who stick to their principles and aren’t just in it for the grift are flying unicorns who shit rainbows.


You guys are talking about the grifters who exploit conservatives. Fox News viewers is who we’re all talking about. And let’s be clear: They are the victims here on some level. Somebody decided it was fine to setup a propaganda network targeting them specifically and it turned their brains to mush. The fact that it worked so well on so many people suggests that it can’t be entirely their own fault.

Fox News viewers are remarkably malleable. That’s demonstrated by the fact that they seem to have no principals. Their concept of right and wrong has been warped into a series of Pavlovian responses to words spoken in a particular order with a particular cadence. Trump used this to win the GOP primary. A Democrat could use it to win way more of the popular vote than political scientists think is possible.

I am not sure we all agree on what “speaking conservative” means. What I was referring to, was an ability to speak to less educated rural /small city voters. Those that pay lip service to “family values” type stuff. A lot of the people that are racist, but don’t see themselves as racists and did vote for Obama.

I think Warren is quite good at appealing to those types of people, while also energizing a lot of people “deeper” in the Dem camp. (Maybe not the ones who claim the women who started the CFPB is too business friendly…)

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Warren and Pete, and to a lesser extent, Klobuchar, are the best at this, because it’s where’ they’re from.

In other news…Georgia in play?