Who will run in 2020?

Didn’t work with him, bro, sorry.

This morning Predictit has Hillary Clinton at $0.04 to be the nominee, which was a higher price than half of the people who qualified for the debate.

Thank you for this. It’s this type of nuanced response that keeps me coming back to this site.

Sorry, I thought I was adding value by giving the clarification that I follow politics more than most but not as much as all of you, so that you could maybe get in perspective what most of uninformed America understands. But the selective quote eliminating that first part? :chef’s kiss:

He’s sent out A LOT of mailers, and no one is doing that right now.

Yes, an uniformed electorate is one of the biggest obstacles. Equating UBI to just giving everyone money is a Republican talking point.

Lol wut. It literally is giving everyone money. That’s a not a Republican talking point. That’s Yang’s pitch.


Thank you for this. It’s this type of nuanced response that keeps me coming back to this site.

Republicans have told me that Yang is trying to buy votes by giving people free money.

So you are right, it will give everyone a monthly floor but It’s not a nuanced way of discussing his proposal.

Edit: One thing people seem to miss is that the rich are paying more than $1000 a month into this via the VAT. So technically they get the check but they are not coming out ahead, other than the fact they are going to be living in a healthier and more educated society.

Is the UBI treated as taxable income?

Hope not. We should up the standard deduction to like $50k.

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This might be the hottest take in the history of post-2+2 politics


He’s a good speaker and he’s a genuinely smart dude. He was trying his hardest to do the right thing. I think a lot of us love the guy and that makes him seem much more charismatic than he actually is. I try to compare how I judged him when he was a guy who had given a good speech and was running against Hillary. I didn’t warm to him instantly or anything, I just thought he was a contender. If you want to talk about Obama in this context you have to be talking about 2007 Obama vs this field.

I think Warren has a better stump speech. I think Yang has a better stump speech. I think Pete is a white guy so the majority of the country will think he’s MORE charismatic than Obama if he really gets traction. They’ll act like he’s the second coming of Kennedy. Skydiver8 already does, and she’s not entirely wrong.

I want to be clear I think this is a historically good Democratic field. We might never see a better one in our lifetimes. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and this is Trumps.

hehe not that Kennedy. The other one. Or maybe, honestly, more like Carter if you look closely.

This will not be a popular take, but as someone who has been at events with both, Obama’s charisma pales in comparison to Bill Clinton. Clinton’s might not have come across as much in speeches, but my god, that man sucked up all the air in the room the second he stepped in it. I feel gross just saying these things because yeah, he’s kinda gross on a personal level, but omfg, the dude was magnetic. Looking back on it now, it was actually almost creepy. like an unsettling superpower.

And i saw Clinton after he was already president. I cannot imagine it on the campaign trail. If that’s how he was in 91/92 when he was running, I could have told you he was a mortal lock to win even when he was polling at 2%

Probably something dumb like taxing it at the gambling winnings rate

Why are you defining charisma as “who has a better stump speech?” “2007 Obama” absolutely obliterates this field in terms of charisma. Saying we “put him on a pedestal because he already won” in terms of charisma is wildly incorrect; I think you might actually be underrating him after 8 years of a fairly “meh” presidency. He was already considered an incredibly charismatic rising star in 2004 after his overwhelming senate win and DNC speech, let alone 2007.

Just googled for 2 seconds and found this, from the middle of the primary season in 2008:

Among this season’s presidential candidates, Barack Obama has clearly had the edge when it comes to that magical quality known as charisma. Pundits of every political stripe have commented on Senator Obama’s “rock-star quality.” After meeting him, even the most jaded political reporters have been known to report that he is something rare and special, the heir to such charismatic predecessors as John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.

When charismatic politicians such as Obama speak, they are able to turn a room full of strangers into a community rich in shared meaning, just as a great actor creates such a community within a theater. Whether such rock-star politicians talk about change or healthcare policy, they articulate a vision that those in the audience quickly make their own.

btw, I absolutely do not love Obama, but there is a reason he was and is considered a “once-in-a-generation” speaker and charismatic talent (Clinton was as well).

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Look at how Warren is exploding in the polls, in crowd size at events and just in general left wing chatter. Especially considering some of the damage she took in the very early stages of the campaign she has a lot of charisma. Underrated in that category. She has completely won me over and i was a skeptic to start.

Yeah this. I’m a HUGE Warren fan. She’s basically a superhero whose background story is being a teacher. The anti corruption stuff is very very important.

As a bankruptcy attorney I have a soft spot for her because she is one of the foremost entities in that field. And frankly bankruptcy is one of the few tools 90 percent of us have to fight the corporate machine. The fact they only limited it in 2005 and it’s still here is one bright spot. A few more terms of trump and I’m quite sure we will have debtor’s prisons again.