Who will run in 2020?

And this is absolutely the norm in most red states. It’s the only thing I’ve ever experienced with welfare programs TBH. Getting them was never worth the hassle when I had a job to get to.

This must be something else he has flip flopped on. As of March, he included housing vouchers as one of the things that you couldn’t combine with UBI:

For Americans currently benefiting from cash or cash-like programs like Social Security Disability Insurance, food stamps, or Section 8 housing assistance, Yang would offer a choice between the existing welfare state and the Freedom Dividend, in hopes that no one would be left worse off.

Yangs plan is not the best UBI plan possible. But it’s the best plan out of any candidate that is running.

I think the biggest disagreement I have with most people when discussing solutions is how bad the problem is. 63% of people in this country can’t afford a $500 repair bill.

Now think about what living with this type of income insecurity does for your stress levels, health, and decision making.

That stress trickles down to the next generation of kids we are raising.

We need to start redistributing the wealth quickly, especially as technology keeps advancing.


Had to block a “resister” who says he’s sitting out 2020 if Bernie or Warren wins. Fuck these idiots

Good riddance. For every idiot like that we lose we pick up a bunch of people 18-30 who wouldn’t bother showing up for a Biden type.

I mean he already caved on giving the olds the 1000 (which I still strongly disagree with). Someone probably pointed out that most of the criticism he’s getting from the left was what you guys delivered in this thread and the total Section 8 budget is 13B. Giving social security recipients 1000 a month was waaaaay more than 13B.

I wish they would just use the 2nd debate night regardless and do a back-to-back with all 10.


I’m going to adopt a heuristic and assume that any candidate receiving a lot of support from Reddit and 4chan is neither worth serious consideration, nor the effort required to understand why they’re not worth serious consideration.

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So edgy…

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Right now there’s a strong argument to be made for just hopping on the Warren train and forgetting the rest of the candidates. But let’s be super clear, Yang is a much better candidate than any other option than Warren or maybe Pete. And Pete is a worse communicator (still a very good communicator) with way worse policy but a better resume.

Yang is not the candidate of 4chan (that’s still very much Trump). The fact that some people on 4chan like him is not super important and they are not his base.

See if that was the case it would be more interesting.

As someone who follows politics closer than your average Joe, but not as close as almost all of you, Yang literally does nothing for me. Zero, nada, zilch. He sucked in the debates and wants to give everyone money. I would vote for everyone in the primary ahead of Yang besides Biden, Williamson, Delaney, Tulsi, and maybe a few other dingbats I can’t think of atm.

That the Rock was slightly mean to nunehi makes me love The Rock even more. And I already loved him so so much.


Yang isn’t trying to give more money to poor folks. He already thinks that the cash and equivalent welfare that is given out is sufficient. Is he wrong? I don’t think so, but that’s a separate issue.

One of the issues that UBI solves is the effective tax rate that folks on welfare face when finding work, which presents a bunch of perverse incentives in many cases. From what I understand some welfare programs phase out sensibly with increasing income and others don’t. UBI in combination with Medicare for All totally solves this problem, which is very important imo.


Who is answering Steyer in polls? Like, I’ve literally heard nothing about him, and I’m fairly active. Is he picking up former Biden voters? Who does he appeal to?

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People who are highly susceptible to advertising I imagine.

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I suspect the rich who are gullible

yeah, just read this, and you’re probably right. I swear, if this guy comes in and buys an election, I’m just done.

Bret Stephens, Tom Friedman, and various members of the Steyer household.


A) Steyer has been banging the impeachment drum for a long time, so there is probably some segment of voters who know and like him just from that perspective.

B) He ran a ton of ads to try to hit the donor threshold (literally spending tens of dollars in order to get one dollar donations). I’d imagine folks who were willing to give him a dollar to get on the debate stage would also name him in a poll for the same reason. Also, the name recognition built up from the ads helps with polling even if they don’t donate. So, yeah, advertising works, I guess?

I don’t like the idea of rich folks being able to buy their way onto the debate stage, but I’m not sure what criteria you could set to avoid it.