Who will run in 2020?

Fox News also didn’t really invent any of the format. CNN and its sister channels like HLN had that reality and oped crap on before. Fox News really just took the style to obnoxious levels.

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Dude go browse the sub. I just linked a toxic thread but 3/4 of them right now are that way. DNC is rigged against Tulsi, Bernie will get the nomination for sure but also he can’t because pretender Warren is clogging up votes that are rightfully his, if they don’t get Bernie they will write him in or not vote because Warren can’t be better than Trump, anything right of Bernie might as well be Trump, etc. if you say you’re voting for the eventual nominee as a lesser of two evils you’re immediately ganged up on by everyone.

Berniebros on social media are quite often toxic as shit, I’m not saying it’s Bernie’s fault but it’s scary AF in that sub.

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So where’s the part where they prefer trump to warren?

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Antifa is not a membership group. There’s no way to count members. I’d guess maybe several hundred people in the country who put on black clothes, cover their faces and protest.

Sounds terrifying to have that many people to get all the GOP.

Antifa is to White Nationalists as George Soros is to Koch brothers (and others)

Damn, I really can’t believe that there are real people on here who are on team, “actually MSNBC is good.”


No one’s saying it’s great. I’m very much saying that he’s misrepresenting what it is. When MSNBC is considered Fox News essentially, I have a problem with that.

But I’m definitely looking forward to seeing what your completely unbiased and interesting news sources are.

Koch brother


MSNBC is good. I could add some caveats and qualifications, both it’s not a #bothsides kind of issue. Fox is evil.

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He is just way more woke than you and will prove it by telling you MSNBC suck!

MSNBC is objectively terrible. It’s better than CNN and Fox, but it’s awful.


Missing a few “sirs” but pretty good

All cable news is bad and our society has been clearly worsened by it. Defending one bucket of sensationalist news-as-entertainment moldering dog shit as less awful than some other bucket of moldering dog shit is not a good take. Turn off your television and go do something else - anything else - with your time. Both you and the world at large will be better for it.


MSNBC is 24 hour cable “news,” therefore it is inherently bad.

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Lockup: Raw and Dateline reruns tho

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