Who will run in 2020?

2nd rally this weekend Bernie has done.

Meh, Walsh will be a big nothingburger


honestly, I think it will flip eventually. a lot of young, liberal San Diegans are forced to move out here so they can afford housing. Itā€™s like a mini Texas. San Marcos is already blue, Escondido just flipped in 2018, El Cajon and La Mesa are purplish now. Iā€™m just not sure itā€™s going to happen in 2020.

Does it mean there will be a Republican primary debate as that could be fun to watch.

Thereā€™s a lot of people who argue that Trump will skip the presidential debates with the Dem nominee. I vehemently disagree with that take.

That said, as a sitting POTUS heā€™s never debating some dumb former POS congressman in a primary battle.

fyi this is not me trying to be a dick would you want to put up your $50 to win my $100 that there wonā€™t be at least 3 debates between Trump and the dem nominee in 2020? I just donā€™t see it happening.

So Joe Walsh seems to be copying Glenn Beckā€™s playbook where one pretends to be a repentant Trumper while still dishing out garbagey right-wing politics. It didnā€™t really work for Glenn, I suspect it wonā€™t work for Walsh. There simply is no audience for Trump-lite politics --the whole point of Trumpism is that itā€™s extremest and provocative. This is a structural flaw with Trumpism/fascism/Nazism: you have to push the envelope over and over and over again to keep your audience entertained and eventually something breaks. At some point the novelty wears off.

Dvaut once used the wrestling analogy of ā€œhot-shotting,ā€ I think the entire Republican party has hot-shotted itself to such a degree that it either has to either turn the US into a full-on fascist state or die. There is just not a feasible Joe Walsh middleground of low-calorie ethnofasicsm.


Walsh, Sanford et al. = easy net plus for stable genius. Anything critical they may say about the dotard during their ā€œcampaignsā€ will have equal impact to what anybody else says about him, that is to say, nothing, no impact at all. But what will happen exactly is now there will be more ā€œPresidential candidatesā€ crying about suh suh socialism getting extra media coverage, which means marginally less airtime for the Democratic message, marginally more derp in general, and marginally less focus on the singular fuckshittery of the vibrant young man.

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Counterpoint on automation.


Interestingly that chart is an excellent example of how our economic metrics are completely broken. Replacing a manufacturing job with a gig economy job isnā€™t close to apples to apples. The quality of available jobs for people with HS diplomas (and now college degrees more recently) has been declining for decades.

Also the labor force participation rate is super super low. Down 5% since 1999, which is a huge drop. Part of that is an aging population, but part of that is also the fact that a huge chunk of people who got laid off from good jobs in the last 20 years left the workforce.

Also consider that the source of that chart is a robotics association. How they are defining an industrial robot is the next thing Iā€™d poke if I were seriously taking it on. 631 industrial robots per 10,000 manufacturing employees in S Korea vs 189 in the US doesnā€™t pass the smell test for me. US factories are highly automated, and I have a hard time believing that they could become 4x as automated in the present.

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To be clear, my $50 wins your $100 if Trump participates in at least 3 debates vs the Democratic nominee?

Your $100 wins my $50 if Trump participates in 2 or fewer (including 0) debates vs the a Democratic nominee?

If thatā€™s what you were offering, booked.

And I didnā€™t take your offer to be dickish at all. Just a friendly wager.

Booked if paypal is OK I donā€™t do these other weird money thingies. Actually have some BTC too :expressionless:



Yeah PayPal is good.

United electrical, radio & machine workers of American convention just endorsed Bernie.

Latest poll is 22 Biden 19 Sanders 18 Warren

This definitely reflects better on Warren supporters on average than Sandersā€™, but Sanders supportersā€™ second choice by 10pts is Biden. Warren supportersā€™ second choice by 7pts is Sanders. So, if that held, Sanders dropping out is a boost to Biden.

Whatā€™s interesting is that Warrenā€™s demo really isnā€™t Bernieā€™s demo anyway, I forget where I saw this, politico maybe, but sheā€™s doing best with college ed+/higher income/women (closer to Peteā€™s demo) and Bernieā€™s appealing to lower income/lower ed/men, and for all the talk that Bernie has low support among AAs, heā€™s second only to Sleepy in overall AA support (even more than Harris, in Morning Consult polling anyway, but maybe this needs to be double checked).
