Who will run in 2020?


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I actually agree that it might stem from laziness, but the endpoint is the same. Whether the media fails to do proper research/journalism out of laziness or an agenda, it doesnā€™t really matter. In both cases you get incorrect reports, lies, and false narratives.

The South Bend stuff I linked above shows me that they either donā€™t care to dig deeper or donā€™t know how to be proper journalists, but either way, a real picture of the city isnā€™t getting told on a national level. I think thereā€™s also an element of ā€œlarge coastal city-colored lensesā€ going on. For example, reporters in DC or NYC or LA hear about tearing down abandoned houses and immediately think ā€œgentrificationā€. The thing is, in industrial, rust belt cities like South Bend, itā€™s just not the same, and gentrification like we see in big cities just doesnā€™t happen. Itā€™s really hard to separate that bias from your writing/reporting if youā€™ve never lived it or really studied stuff like that outside the big city bubble.

Now, a diligent reporter might want to actually look into this, but the only diligence I see in reporting nowadays is from local level journalists.

That article didnā€™t present any information at all, and was basically equivalent to a reddit post from a Pete fan. Itā€™s also ridiculous to claim gentrification doesnā€™t happen in the rust belt.

I donā€™t necessarily doubt that heā€™s had good housing policy that protected black neighborhoods, but Iā€™d like to see the statistics rather than some guy just making arguments.

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I have to say that my confidence in my read of the older establishment Dems was increased significantly by watching Obama go on at length about how people need to step aside to let a new generation run things. Thereā€™s nothing normal about having a bunch of people in their late 70ā€™s-80ā€™s running the country.

I really like Warren, but my biggest problem with her is her age. If Trump was our last Boomer president I would be totally and completely fine with that.

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Thatā€™s where the Squad side of the party gives me some hope. AOC 2024

Your front runner, America:

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Did she actually apologize? Last I remember, she tried to deny having written those posts, claiming someone must have hacked the Internet Archive to edit them.

lettuce womp



iirc she denied some of the posts but had previously apologized for previous homophobic comments and tweets


thatā€™s a twitter thread from a South Bend city employee who works on the real estate and housing ordinances (a big part of the 1000 houses thing). Never claimed it was an ā€œarticleā€. Sorry, it was late when i wrote that post and I forgot to say the source.

It seems like most campaigns think the media doing itā€™s job means being a mouthpiece for the candidate. Pretty much all the widely reported negative stories on the candidates, Bidenā€™s gaffes, Sandersā€™ questionable media conspiracies, Buttigiegā€™s uneven record as mayor etc are all fair. Every article about a candidate sounding like it came from his/her press office is exactly what a biased media not doing itā€™s job would look like.

If he wins the primary, the GOP just might find itā€™s way back to slipping him a few bucks for the general.

weā€™re facing that same issue in my district here in CA.

we currently have Duncan Hunter, he of cross-country-flying rabbit and affairs with staffers fame. Heā€™s literally the ONLY Republican candidate that the Dems have any hope of beating in this district, so we definitely want him to keep running. His trial was supposed to start in 2 weeks, but got delayed to January. Oddly, this is great for us, since that almost guarantees his name will remain on the primary ballot (assuming he would have resigned if convicted at trial). There are a lot of other republicans trying to primary him, most notably Carl ā€œSan Diegoā€™s own Alex Jonesā€ DeMaio and possibly Darrell Issa, neither of who actually live in the district. If any of them are on the November ballot, itā€™s back to a 15 point R win.

So the best possible scenario for flipping the 50th is for Hunterā€™s trial to last a month, he stays on the primary ballot and gets enough votes to get to the general election. If heā€™s convicted, haha, heā€™s still on the ballot and no time for a special election or to get anyone else on there. If acquittedā€¦eh, weā€™re stuck with him.

So the GTO move is for me to vote for Hunter in the primary, and pray his conviction is as slam-dunk as it seems to be.

GTO is for you to run against Hunter.

It would be impossible for me to disguise my utter disdain for the deplorables that make up the majority of this district. I did drama club in high school but I was never that good of an actor.

El distrito 50th necesita salir de la votaciĆ³n.

I have jokingly thought of moving to Louie Gohmertā€™s district to run against him just to rip him throughout the campaign because I hate his idiot ass so much. Iā€™d probably lose, but it would be so fun.

You have an incredible moral high ground over Hunter, and if people wouldnā€™t vote for you despite you not agreeing with most people in your district at least you tried. I think you said your district is heavily military, so you could run on things that arenā€™t ā€˜peopleā€™ related in a way that would get some people on board and would still be representing your district.

Iā€™d like to see someone with your pedigree run in that district, so why not you? It would be a good litmus test for where the country is headed.

Joe Walsh gonna run in the primary against Trump.

In other words, same as half the demsā€“just trying to get the name out there for something else. Worse, a good chunk of his criticism for Trump is the same as dems so itā€™ll be irrel by gen election season.

Trump having a real fight in the primary would be good, but Joe Walsh is going to do so poorly itā€™s going to help Trump.