Who will run in 2020?

I get that you don’t like people on TV or social media talking bad about your candidate, especially if its in what you consider bad faith, but saying that the MSM or the establishment is against Pete is bonkers imo. He is literally the neoliberal establishment’s perfect candidate. I’m not saying that as an attack on him, its just a fact. You can’t play the “everyone is against him” card when he is getting thrown millions of dollars by wall street and big Dem donors.

Yeah imo you want a version of Hanlon’s Razor here which is “never attribute to agenda what can be explained by laziness” and I think the Pete stuff is in the laziness category. They’re still citing the May poll because it’s a lazy way to construct a story and the data since then doesn’t really support some simple narrative.

How much are the premiums going to be on the Medicare for all who want it plan? I want my Medicare to be free like France and stuff.

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I literally said they’re doing to the other candidates, too, but ok

Except there is clear agenda by several MSNBC hosts (Chris Matthews, Chuck Toad, Brian Williams, etc.). These are all people who are visibly scared by Bernie and Liz. When you break it down to establishment center guys like that, they really probably just don’t take Pete seriously because of his age, looks, and where he’s mayor. I don’t see any of the Pete bashing, but he’s getting very little coverage or props from anyone on MSNBC when I watch. Her clip was from Chris Matthews, which is what I would expect from him.


The only one of these people that I watch at all often is Rachel and she does pretty well at being fair and seems to like all the Dems. But if I had to guess from watching her with the candidates, she’s for Kamala.

I try not to watch these guys too much, but I’d expect Matthews and Williams to be for Biden.

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She’s for sure Warren.

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i’m laughing rn because i’m sure she’s for cory booker. they know each other from college! and when she had him on a few months ago she was gushing about what a genuinely great guy he is

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lol, mr. kumbaya here more often.

pure speculation:

lawrence odonnell is for warren
stephanie rhule is for buttigeig
ali velshi is for harris
ari melber is for harris
chris hayes is for warren
brian williams is for yang
chris matthews is for harris
morning joe is for biden for sure lol he probably won’t even vote if biden isn’t the nom

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Biden v Trump is going to be so great


Matthews grilled Harris after the debate so I don’t think it’s her. I think Williams is for Biden. I think Hayes might be for Bernie.

lmao wtf

I mean, we may all have different favorites, but it seems we mostly agree on Biden being terrible

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The text is amazing too, just pure senility

I think of where we are at the moment. You know, none of you men are old — women are old enough, but a couple of you guys are old enough to remember. I graduated in 1968. Everybody before me was, drop out, go to Haight-Ashbury, don’t trust anybody over 30, everybody not getting involved. I’m serious, I know no woman will shake their head and acknowledge it, but you guys know what I’m talking about. Right? But then what happened? Dr. Ki— I only have two political heroes. I have one hero who was my dad, but I have two political heroes were Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. My senior semester they were both shot and killed. Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, Barack Obama had been assassinated after becoming the de facto nominee. What would have happened in America?

rofl omg

“you young men, you remember what it was like growing up in the 1960s, not being politically engaged with the democratic party. some great leaders were assassinated, and can you imagine if that had happened in your generation? i would have been president. so think about that on super tuesday”

if only some former president biden trusted told him not to run because he saw all of this coming.

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I’m not voting for Biden vs Trump I don’t care.

I consider ability to deal with a biased media as a key skill in a candidate. I’m not sympathetic to the argument that a politician would do better if only the media would do its job

I agree wrt actual news media. The cable news media has gradually reduced the informational content of their programming to the point where they are outright lying, which changes that dynamic quite a bit.

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