Who will run in 2020?

I’m not so sure. I think a lot of lonely people feel like they don’t have a place for themselves in society. A big reason for that is as a society we have been told if you don’t have economic value you don’t have value.

UBI goes a long way to start redefining the value we have as humans. I think there will also be an uptick in local outreach and community building with an UBI in place.

Yang is pretty cool, but i’ve seen the $1000/mo touted as the solution to a lot of different things. gonna have to stretch it pretty thin to have it cover everything

one of the very first things that got me into reading more about Pete was back in March, he was talking about how people’s sense of self-worth and belonging and community had for so long been tied to their job. Now that people change jobs all the time, or work 3 different ones, or rely on gigs, a lot of that sense of worth is gone, and bad things can come in to fill that hole. It’s why people turn to substance abuse, or use organizations like the kKK or Proud Boys to find that sense of community they no longer have from the loss of their job.

I’m not sure just handing out money is the whole solution, but it might be a start.

I have his book que’d in audible but haven’t started to listen yet. I’ve seen him talk about automation and think he is a pretty forward thinking guy.

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I would imagine almost everybody who is incarcerated for possession is incarcerated on state level charges that the president has no control over. Likewise with diversionary programs and response teams. It’s a good idea/policy, and I’d like the president to engage in activism on the topic, but it’s not really something the president can control.

fun fact: Pete is the chair of the US Conference of Mayors Automation task force.

I think young people (or old people) going into some service (preferably not built around war, but the military does serve this purpose) is a better solution. I’m just very strongly against that being mandatory for anyone.

This is true, but the feds do hold some purse strings that affect what the states can do.

I think there should be public mandatory service but the Boomers should be the ones doing it.

First the semi-trucks, now they’re trying to automate Mayoring?


The military is absolutely terrible for this purpose. It’s a temporary career by design, even the small percent who stay in through “retirement” aren’t even half way through their working life when they need to find new work. And the sense of identity wrapped up in a military career has to be stronger than most careers (due to lots of propaganda for recruitment and retention, but still).

Hot take: Most of the veteran PTSD claims have more to do with the trauma of losing their identity than any events encountered in service.

I wonder how much of the media’s willingness to see Buttigieg as having a problem with African-Americans is enabled by a belief that blacks are more hostile to homosexuality than white liberals? Are they unwilling to make that part of the main narrative about his campaign?

It’s been mentioned, but I’m sure it’s a huge part of it. One of his main detractors in MSM (who is spreading the “bad with black people” narrative) is Joy Reid…the same Joy Reid who had to apologize and basically got a slap on the wrist for homophobic blog posts several years ago. Her pushing an anti-Pete narrative is immediately suspect.

That being said, there have been some articles about this, with younger pundits like Jason Johnson and Karine Jean-Pierre actively trying to downplay and fight the “black people are homophobic” stereotype.

Most of the better recent articles are actually quite good. Once again, print media outshines cable news.


Gotta say skydiver I’m convinced. Although it now takes waaay less energy to convince me that the MSM is screwing someone than it used to before they started up on candidates I’d actually looked at hard myself.

Seriously there have been few ‘what the actual fuck’ moments in my life with the media quite like when they started claiming Yang was some kind of alt right plant in the Dem primary back toward the beginning of this year. Let’s be clear: they painted an Asian guy as a nazi for like two full news cycles.

I knew they’d done Bernie a bit dirty, but I was basically fine with it, because I thought it was rare and didn’t like Bernie very much. That disinterested shrug of an attitude aged really poorly I gotta say. Now these idiots are covering Trump like he’s a wrestling heel instead of the single largest threat to the human race there is.


I’m fairly certain anyone who has done a deep dive into any of the candidates (watched their speeches, delved into their records, talked or interacted with people on the ground who worked with them, etc) would be able to see it.

I hate to sound like i’m yelling “fake news!” but they have an agenda, and they know subtle ways to push it. Ugh, i sound like the stupid conspiracy theory thread.

Eh. At this point claiming that the press has an establishment agenda is pretty obvious. The entire television media is owned by the establishment and is basically producing news flavored reality TV for the masses to consume. If it’s a conspiracy it’s not very well hidden.

My MIL watches a ton of CNN (like 50+ hours a week) and she’s a die hard Biden supporter. If you talk to her for 20 minutes you’ll realize that she’s not actually any different than a Fox News brainwashed Trump supporter. They all think they are very well informed, but couldn’t tell you much of anything about anything… because they aren’t watching news they are watching entertainment content pretending to be news.

I’ll admit that the 24/7 news networks snuck on me because I watch like 3 minutes of their content a week… and nearly all of that is youtube videos that have been cropped to one useful bit. I just sincerely had no idea how bad they’d gotten.

My news feed is the Wapo + Bloomberg + politico basically. Wapo and politico for the juicy leaks and Bloomberg for my reality feed. Bloomberg is a great reality feed because it’s an information product sold to traders rather than an ad supported news outlet that is trying to attract eyeballs.

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true. i think I’ve been more disgusted at the way they do it, rather than the fact that they are doing it.

My only suggestion is to be careful what you watch even on MSNBC. There are people on MSNBC who are absolutely pushing/killing candidates. That’s not happening on Rachel or Lawrence. They’re giving each candidate their due. All you had to do was watch debate night analysis on MSNBC to see the problems. Joy Reid came across super bad in her analysis. Most of the people you quote are progressive (I don’t think Joy is, and is probably a Biden or Harris voter), but I think they’re more hiding behind the idea that they don’t trust Pete as much as trying cover for homophobia or how he’ll perform in certain demos.

No pundit is going to go on TV and say, do progressives really think they can trust Pete? That would look like arson (the proper style is to ignore candidates you don’t like in the punditry world not burn them unless you’re reporting on direct things they are doing on the trail), and it’s none of their business to say that. So they couch it in other terms.

Rachel and Lawrence are both opinion shows, but they’re not at all like the other opinion shows or even the news shows on MSNBC. I’m 99 percent positive Rachel is voting for Warren, though she has never overtly stated it. I have no clue who Lawrence is voting for, and that’s what I want my analysis to look like. I don’t want it to be, ew Bernie, ew Pete, ew Kamala. How can we win on M4A or Green New Deal? That’s just such hot garbage that anyone who talks like that should be summarily ignored in opinion and punditry on TV.


Town Hall with Chris Hayes tonight might be good to watch… I agree with Nunnehi post above and thank him for getting me off the other segments of MSNBC.