Who will run in 2020?

“general consensus” aka he saw a random person either trolling, exaggerating, or meming

Like, in terms of subreddits, the Chapo subreddit is much further left, hates on Warren all the time, but she is still easily their #2. Pretty sure the only people who actually have Trump>Warren are accelerationists.


Right. There’s a difference between attacking Warren and saying you prefer Trump to Warren. I think she’s good enough that I don’t have any interest in trying to attack her beyond giving reasons why I think Bernie is preferable, and the drop off from her as my #2 to whoever the hell my #3 might be is gigantic so i want her viable.

But, I think it’s pretty insulting and patronizing to tell people that they should be hands off with their preferred candidates’ opponents, and 9/10 times when people say outlandish shit about how awful Bernie supporters are online, it ends up being what you’re describing.

Yeah, my daughter, who travels in some more radical circles than I do, knows Leninists for Trump. They don’t like Bernie either.


Lol, not pissed off, just sad that the national media refuses to do their due diligence when reporting about South Bend. Have you ever noticed that every single article from the national media interviews the same person? It’s Regina Williams-Preston, an avowed Bernie supporter, failed candidate for mayor, and someone who actually praised Pete until the spotlight got its hooks into her. Here, have a look: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2019/03/21/pete-buttigieg-democratic-presidential-hopeful-south-bend-indiana-turnaround-city/3165477002/

But let’s hear it from SB residents, shall we?(incoming a bunch of links that i doubt anyone will read because it actually disproves this narrative)

  1. From June, A list of everything the city of SB has done to improve racial justice under Pete.
  2. Here’s one that talks about this: https://twitter.com/kennyedit/status/1145529743179206656?s=20
  3. Curtis Walton’s bbq is an annual south bend tradition. Pete talks about it in his book. @annaknikkimicou and her sister @aj_indiana are gret follows for POC perspectives on South Bend. https://twitter.com/AnnaknikkiMicou/status/1163192111283494912?s=20
    (spoiler alert: Pete was not going to be able to come to the BBQ this year, but he surprised them and showed up anyway. If you read Breana’s timeline around that tweet, you’ll see it.)
  4. https://twitter.com/AJ_Indiana/status/1164319232592633856?s=20

This is just some of it. I don’t even live in South Bend, but taking a deeper dive makes me so upset every time I see this “blacks in SB hate Pete” narrative, because it isn’t true.

I’ll leave you with this gem, a couple of national pundits just saying the quiet parts out loud:

Since all that shit is old news, here’s Pete’s mental health plan, put out today. If anyone here has a background in mental/public health, please vet.

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My social media exposure has absolutely zero Bernie supporters going after Mayor Pete and one Mayor Pete supporter pretty relentless about Bernie and Bernie supporters.



Decriminalize addiction and mental illness and decrease the number of people incarcerated due to
mental illness or substance use by 75% in the first term by decriminalizing all drug possession,
expanding access to diversionary programs, and implementing crisis intervention teams with
mental health professionals for 911 responses.


I should make a collage with screenshots. should be easy. of course, it also depends on your definition of “attack”.

If providing sources to counter a false or misleading narrative or tweet is an “attack” then I guess I attack people all the time.

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What you do is relentlessly bring Bernie into it HERE. Maybe your twitter or reddit or instagram or whatever is full of Bernie supporters or maybe they are Russian bots or maybe they are Trump supporters trolling you. I don’t know, but it’s pretty out of the blue here.


This is interesting and something I’ve always thought is a big problem, but I dunno what the government can or should do about it.

Launch a national campaign to end social isolation and loneliness. Through a national
campaign, we will support organizations addressing these issues and raise awareness about
loneliness and its impact on individuals and communities, while targeting those most at risk of
social isolation to ensure they are reached and supported by culturally-resonant resources. We
will work with technology companies and researchers to understand how technology impacts
meaningful connections, and support local efforts that encourage community bonds and
neighborhood action

I only mentioned it in regards to Regina because she IS a sanders supporter and as a way to demonstrate that she might, just maybe, have another agenda here. Can you admit that a supporter of another candidate might have a reason to constantly tear down one of his competitors? She was even a delegate for him in 2016. Democratic delegates from Indiana include Buttigieg, Williams-Preston | 95.3 MNC

My real wish is that national media interview OTHER POC from South Bend

What do you mean, can I admit it? Of course people do it. Some people do it a lot. Some people try not to do it. Which one of those are you?

Well, I do my best to lift up my candidate and counter false information with facts and my personal, lived experience. You say you’ve never seen a Bernie supporter attacking Pete…fine, you’ve never seen it, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see it every day. Also, Beto supporters jump on me a lot, too. So what I do is reply with facts and sources that counter their ad hominem or otherwise non-factual posts/tweets. Usually what happens is they call me stupid or naive at that point and continue to repeat their bad takes.

If you’re implying that i “attack” Bernie here, then we have nothing more to talk about. Me choosing a different candidate and defending that candidate doesn’t mean I hate the others. I just like mine more. I have more of an issue with his toxic supporters than I do with him. I try to keep the two separate.

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Ok, Bernie supporters, not Bernie. Well, my personal experience with Mayor Pete supporters is that 100% of them quite often, and from the point of view of anyone here - a place with many Bernie supporters, quite out of the blue attack Bernie supporters.

Meanwhile, Bernie supporters are generally pretty cool about both Mayor Pete and his supporters.


If you feel attacked when I personally relate personal stories of me personally being attacked by Bernie supporters, then I can’t defend myself from that. I’m sorry that my personal experiences are an attack on you.

I guess you’re right. Self-defense is no defense at all against this accusation. I shall no longer relate personal stories of me being personally attacked by any other candidates’ supporters from other places on the internet.

UBI will solve it! (This is mostly a joke)

I follow a lot of YangGang on twitter and can tell you all candidates have insufferable supporters.


I’m pretty close to certain that the overwhelming majority of annoying BernieBros are not Bernie supporters.

The most annoying of his people are the ones closest to him like Nina Turner who is the woat


I think UBI is more likely to exacerbate it. It’s a libertarian individualist approach to social welfare. That doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad, but I think it does not appeal to the more social supporters of social welfare because of it.